Old School Basic/1st ed - 3.5ed player/dm who prefers 5e and Roll20 now.
I'm most comfortable playing Rogues/skill monkeys/ranged damage but would play something else if needed. (Liking Wizard/Bladesinger lately too.)
Looking to play some of the Wizards modules right now as I started 5e later than most and still haven't made it all the way through any before the groups fell apart. Would LOVE to play all the way through any of the WotC mods, especially from the beginning.
I prefer combat but have no issues with RP. Not a fan of OP Homebrew/UA Races/Classes, Bad Mics, or huge parties.. have issues understanding thick accents..
I would pay for the right game but if I'm paying you better have the best table on the planet, not something worse than a free hodge podge game. :-)
Ideal game for me would start at or around 5pm CST.