Timezone: GMT
I have around 10 years of inconsistent experience across a couple of systems that I both ran as a GM and played a character in.
The systems we used were Warhammer Fantasy (Including several chaos/evil campaigns), a homebrew version of Fallout, MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing) and a very brief dabbling of paranoia.
I am entirely new to RPing online having previously only ever done face to face RP sessions with friends I've known for years but I wanted to get back into RP after a speel of not playing in a while and no-one nearby was willing so I decided to try out other options.
I'm very interested in learning new systems and would love to take part in games beyond those I've listed. The only exceptions are any Sci-fi and D&D campaigns neither of which have ever held much interest for me. Other than that I like to mix things up, though comedy usually plays a part in my characters somewhere.