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t Member since 12/05/17 \/ G GM of 13 games \/ 25976 Hours Played \/ 926 Forum Posts

Seeking 5e D&D, as a player.

I can play any class or race needed for the party, which is the way I prefer to play (what the party needs is more important to me). I enjoy Roleplay the most, but I do like Multiclassing and Optimizing builds.

Current Schedule

Always 6pm to 10pm Eastern USA (-5 GMT).




Gone Astray (Lost Mines, Continued Sandbox, Complete Homebrew in FR setting)
DM (Party is Level 17)





Curse of Strahd


  • Discord for voice ( " DM (Wolf)#9461 " ), and leave my camera off please.
  • English speaking is a must
  • RaW, or at least RAI, with as few as possible homebrew rules that take it out of the ability to call it D&D. Absolutely NO LOVE for Lingering Effects tables, TYVM.
  • Non-AL or limiting rulesets.
  • No Westmarch style games
  • No Play by Post/ forever for nothing games
  • No Games that go on hiatus for a month, nor ones where players don't show regularly. I understand real-life. I also understand that a cooperative storytelling requires cooperation from people who are actually present.

Preferences (Not requirements)

  • Shaped Sheet to any other (although I will play with the others, I loath them, just so you know in advance. Once you play with the Shaped sheet, you never go back ... The others become so much backward technology. Like trying to use 8mm video in a DVD world ...)
  • Pro Subscribed GMs who use the APIs (which is the only reason to go Pro, IMO)
  • I don't mind homebrews in worlds, or mechanics of PC Building, such as subraces, subclasses, or backgrounds, or items. It's when the entire structure of the game gets altered, and I feel it's players vs DM, that my requirement kicks in against homebrewing. I do prefer sticking to WotC in Main Classes and Races though. Just makes it easier to remember.
  • I do like to limit to a Tolkien medieval fantasy setting; westerns, modern, superhero, or sci-fi hold no interest for me in RPGs - even if using the D&D 5e rules.
Enjoys Playing
D&D 5E
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E