About me.
I have been playing since 3 but really got a group in 4th edition, and have played 5 on and off. I have gmed a good amount but it was heavy homebrews. This will be the first over roll 20.
My style tends to lean towards realism, consequences and hard choices. This can be problematic because I'm not perfect and there are times where I think something makes perfect since and the group disagrees. I would like to change my style to a freer less realistic more rule of cool style of gm, but I am a work in progress. Kind of like The Adventure Zone
I hope to grow a lot as a gm, and for everyone to have fun together and view the game as the groups game..
O and I would also like to record the game. I have loved podcast like TAZ, Critical hit, Critical Roll, Drunks and Dragons, Cthulhu and Friends. While I make no statement to even being close to that level I would like to share what we create. You never know how it will turn out. Though I probably won't just because it is a lot of work, but I am putting it on the table.