I’m an older player who played a lot of rpgs in middle school and high school both as a player and as a GM. Since the fall of 2013 I’ve gotten back into rpgs. My local group recently concluded a D&D 4E campaign that lasted over five years (we’re trying Fate right now and probably will go to D&D 5E in the future). Other games I have played locally or on Roll20 include: FFG Star Wars, The One Ring, Mutants & Masterminds, Champions, Fate, Savage Worlds, D&D 5E, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World. I’ve GMed locally and on Roll20 a few campaigns of FFG Star Wars and D&D 4E.
I most enjoy games that have a good story with a mixture of role play, combat, intrigue, and mystery. I believe in collaborative story telling between the GM and PCs. I’m pretty laid back as both a player and as a GM. Though I believe that game rules are a kind of social contract between the participants in the game, I’m not a rules lawyer. Hence, I most like games that have a low to medium rules crunch to them.
My other interests include: Star Wars, Game of Thrones, spaghetti westerns, comic books, movies, business, and poetry.