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t Member since 10/26/13 \/ G GM of 8 games \/ 307 Hours Played \/ 128 Forum Posts

As a player I prefer telling a good story and acting a character over learning rule systems or optimizing stats. I enjoy playing "weak" characters and games where you don't have to be a master of combat to feel successful. These days I tend to gravitate more towards either completely home-brew rules or rule-light games with more storytelling.

I have mostly GM:ed in my day, so it would be nice to get to do some gaming as a player too some time.

I have GM:d Drakar&Demoner (Swedish variation of D&D), GURPS (with a self-made Aliens setting), Unknown Armies, Paranoia and a slew of other systems, mostly homebrew. As for gaming I've played a lot of different systems including Vampire, Mage, D&D, Star Wars, Call of Cthulhu, LARPs and many others.

Enjoys Playing
Dungeon World, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), Fiasco, World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... ), Other Games
Actively Seeking Group For
Dungeon World, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), Fiasco, Other Games