I have been playing RPG type games since the Nintendo 64 came out with Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda. I started off in tabletop RPG in middle school with 3rd edition D&D. Got into Pathfinder and shortly thereafter Warhammer 40k. Dabbled in all the 40k verse RPGs including Only War, Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, Rogue Trader, and a few others. I also have picked up the world and workings of Shadowrun as well as Mutants and Masterminds. I GM more often than play and have had much success... to my surprise.
I currently am building my pwn GRP's system for a game variant I have been want to try out.
I am attempting to find new players to run through a homebrew system that has a history of ten years and nine run-throughs. I will to keep it alive and share it with anyone who wants to give it a go.