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Jester Knight Games

Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Editor
t Member since 04/03/18 \/ G GM of 65 games \/ 7257 Hours Played \/ 503 Forum Posts

I am a D&D player and a DM. I love to tell stories and create worlds that come alive with the people who make their characters and play out their own story in vivid colors and detail.

Enjoys Playing
Anime Campaign, Apocalypse World System ( The Sprawl, Monster Hearts... ), City of Mist, D&D 5E, Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game, Mutants and Masterminds, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Second Edition, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... ), The Witcher, Warhammer ( Fantasy, 40k, Wrath & Glory...), World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... ), Zweihänder Grim & Perilous