***Total hours 26050
**GMing Now on Roll20
(1st Group) GMing Rusthenge Module, THEN Pray For Death Module THEN Curtain Call AP / Sunday 4-8 PM/ 5 players 9 session in/ 12 hours in
(5nd Group)-- GMing Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every other Tuesday 3-6 PM PM CST 8 Session in / 28 Hours in / 6 players
(1st Group) GMing (Pathfinder @nd Ed) Gatewalkers Module 1 The Seventh Arch / every Sunday 4-8 PM CST / 11 session in / 50 hours in / 5 players
*(2nd Group)-- GMing Pathfinder 2nd Ed Kingmaker Module 1 every Monday 4 to 8 PM CST 26 Sessions in / 110 Hours in / 6 players
*(3rd Group (Alternating every 2nd week) (PFII) AP Quest for the Frozen Flame / Mod 2 Lost Mammoth Valley / 8 PM to 12 PM CST / 16 sessions in / 67 hours in / 6 players
*(4th group) GMing (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Whispers of the Eclipse Module 3 every other Monday nite 12 session in / 54 hours in, 5 Players
Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest Cosmic Birthday Module 4 sessions in/ 12 hours in
(5th group) GMing (Starfinder) Drift Crashers AP Nightmare Scenario Module 2 every other Tuesday nite / 1 session in / 3 hours in, 6 Players
___________________________________________________________________ *(6th group) GMing (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Blood Lords / Zombie Feast module 1/ every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 11:30 / 14 Sessions in / 64hours in / 6 Players
*(7nd Group)-- GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every Sunday Nite 8-12 PM PM CST 16 Session in / 56 Hours in / 6 players
***PLAYER on Roll20 at the moment
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Starfinder 1st Ed) Mechageddon every other Monday Nite nite/ 8 PM to 12 / 5 players
7 sessions in / 21 hours
GMed / COMPLETED on Roll20****
COMPLETED(4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Whispers of the Eclipse Module 3 every other Monday nite 14 session in / 60 hours in, 5 Players
COMPLETED (5th group) GMing (Starfinder) Drift Crashers AP The Perfect Storm Module 1 every other Tuesday nite / 14 session in / 48 hours in, 6 Players
****COMPLETED(3rd Group (Alternating every 2nd week) (PFII) AP Quest for the Frozen Flame / Mod 1 Broken Tusk Moon / 8 PM to 12 PM CST / 15 sessions in / 52 hours in / 6 players
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers / Nightmare Scenario module 2/ every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 1130 / 15 Sessions in / 42 hours in / 6 Players
****COMPLTED (6th group) GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers / The Perfect Storm module 1 / every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 1130 / 10 Sessions in / 36 hours in / 6 Players
***COMPLETED(4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Serpents in the Cradle Module 2 every other Monday nite 13 session in / 32 hours in, 5 Players
****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers One Shot Before The Storm Module every other Tuesday nite 3 session in / 12 hours in, 6 Players
----- GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Blood Lords AP / every other sunday nite 8-12, 6 players / 10 sessions in / 36 hours/ Group broke up........
****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Before the Storm one shot Every other Monday Nite 8-11pm / 6 players 4 sessions in / 16 hours in
*COMPLETED 9/22 (4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Planetfall Module 1 every other Monday nite 12 session in / 51 hours in, 6 Players
*COMPLETED 10/22 (1st Group) GMed (PFII) AP Strength of 1000's/ module 1 Kindled Magic every 1st and 2nd week Sunday first & second 4-8 PM CST / 14 session in / 60 hours in / 5 players
****COMPLETED 8/22(2nd Group)-- GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every Monday 4 to 8 PM CST 16 Session in / 84 Hours in / 6 players
****COMPLETED 2/22 (3rd Group) GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) Agents of Edgewatch Module 1 Devil At The Dreaming Palace On /every other Tuesday at 7 to 11 PM CST/ 15 session in / 59 hours, 5 Players / finished 4/19/ 2022
**COMPLETED 1/22 GMed (Starfinder) one shot The Great Grav Train Robbery 1 session 5 hours game time / Finished 4/12/2022
**COMPLETED 4/21 GMed (PF II) Age of Ashes AP Tomorrow Must Burn/ module 3 every Sunday 2-6 PM / 14 session in / 67 hours in Finished 8/9/2021
***COMPLETED 1/21 GMed (Starfinder) Fly Free or Die / We're No Heroes Module 1 every other Friday nite 8 session in / 36 hours in, Finished 4/18/2021
***COMPLETED 11/20 / GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Abomination Vaults module 1 Ruins of Gauntlight every friday 4-8 PM 15 sessions in 61 hours Finished 1/6/2021
***COMPLETED 10/20 (1st Group) GMed Age of Ashes AP Cult of Cinders module 2 every Saturday 2-6 PM / 23 session in / 98 hours in 10/12/2020
***COMPLETED (3rd Group) WAS GMing (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) The Extingtion Curse Module 1 The Show Must Go On /every Friday at 4 to 8 PM CST/ 10 session in / 47 hours, 6 Players Had to take 2 months off because holiday work schedule change only 3 players remaining so start fresh with Abomination Vaults Finished 12/14/2020
***COMPLETED (4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Attack of the Swarm Module 2 The Last Refuge every other Friday nite 8 session / 34 hours in, 5 Players
***COMPLETED GMed Main Group Age of Ashes AP Hellknight Hill module 1 every Saturday 2-6 PM / 15 session in / 66 hours in
***COMPLETED (3rd Group) GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) Age of Ashes Module 1 Hellknight Hill every Friday at 4 to 8 PM CST/ 15 session in / 76 hours, 6 Players
***COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Attack of the Swarm Module 1 Fate of the Fifth every other Friday nite 10 session in / 41 hours in, 4 Players
***COMPLETED-- GMed (Pathfinder) Rise of the Runelords AP / Module 2 Skinsaw Murders every other Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 9 session in / 32 hours, 5 Players
***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) The Fall of Plaguestone Module every Saturday at 2 to 6 PM CST/ 17 sessions and 68 hours in, 5 Players/ COMPLETED
***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Hell's Vengeance Module 1 The Hellfire Compact every Saturday 2 PM / 5 Sessions In/ 20hours ?switched to PF 2 Plagestone then Age of Ashes
**COMPLETED **GMed(Pathfinder) Rise of the Runelords AP / Module 1 Burnt Offerings every other Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 17 sessions in / 67 hours in/ COMPLETED
***COMPLETED /GMed (Pathfinder) War for The Crown Module 2 Songbird, Scion , Sabatour every Friday 4-8 PM CST / 17 session in/ 67 hours in
***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 2 Rivers Run Red every Saturday 2-6 PM/ 12 sessions in /48 hours in / Almost finished but had a party shake up so went with evil Hell's Vengeance AP
***COMPLETED 2 shot Starfinder Skittershot 2 sessions and about 7 hours
***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder) Return of the Runelords AP / Module 1 Roderics Cove every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 8 session in / 32 hours in
***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Doomsday Dawn Playtest AP/ every Saturday nite 7-11 PM CST/ 7 session in/24 hours
***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Doomsday Dawn Playtest AP/ every Saturday nite 2-6 PM CST/ 10 session in/ 42 hours
***COMPLETED GMed 11/2/18 (Pathfinder) War for The Crown Module 1 Crownfall every Friday 4-8 PM CST / 10 session in/ 40 hours in
***COMPLETED 10/22/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 1 Stolen Lands every Saturday 2-6 PM/ 31 sessions in / 126 hours in
***COMPLETED 10/12/18 GMed (Pathfinder) The Rose Street Revenge PFS Playest 2nd Ed/ 4 sessions in 8 hours in
***COMPLETED GMed 10/3/18 (Pathfinder) The Rose Street Revenge PFS Playest 2nd Ed/ 3 sessions in 8 hours in
***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous AP / Module 2 Sword of Valor every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 9 session in / 42 hours in/ NOT Completed due to player Problems, changed to Return of the Runelords
***COMPLETED 6/15/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion Fangs of War module 2 / 21 sessions in / 88 hours in / every friday 4-8 PM CST
***COMPLETED 5/4/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous AP / Module 1 every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 16 session in / 62 hours in
***COMPLETED 9/16/17 (Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion / Module 1 Trail of the Hunted / 15 sessions in/ 64 hours in
*** COMPLETED 3/21/17 (Pathfinder) Jade Regent AP / Module 2 Night of Frozen Shadows every Saturday from 2-6 PM 21 sessions / 86 hours in half the party got TPKed before the end and they elected to change to Kingmaker
***COMPLETED---GMed (Starfinder) Dead Suns AP Reboot/ Every Saturday 7-11 PM CST/ 4 Session 16 hours in/ Sadly this game petered out as players just would'nt show up consistantly :(
***COMPLETED Starfinder Into The Unknown Scenario 5 hours
---GMed (Starfinder) Dead Suns AP Reboot/ Every Saturday 7-11 PM CST/ 4 Session 16 hours in/ Sadly this game petered out as players just would'nt show up consistantly :(
***GMed Starfinder Society The Commencement session on Sunday / COMPLETED
***GMed Starfinder Fugitive on the Red Planet Thursday / COMPLETED
***GMed Starfinder Salvations End Sunday / COMPLETED
***COMPLETED 11/3/16 GMed (Pathfinder) Jade Regent Module 1 The Brinestone Legacy
24 Sessions in / 122 hours played Saturday Afternoons / 2 - 6 PM CST
***COMPLETED 1/28/17 GMed (Pathfinder) Reign of Winter / Module 1 Snows of Summer / 11 Sessions / 51 Hours / Friday nights / 4-8 PM CST/ COMPLETED/ Party TPK at the end of the Module, switched to Ironfang Invasion AP
***COMPLETED 4/16/17GMed (Pathfinder) Shattered Star AP/ module 1 Shards of Sin/ every Friday / 12 Sessions in / 67 hours in / COMPLETED
***COMPLETED 1/24/16 GMed( Pathfinder)Hell's Rebels /Turn of the Torrent / Module 2 / 14 Sessions/ 88 hours in
***COMPLETED 9/14/15 GMed / (Pathfinder) Hell's Rebels / In Hell's Bright Shadow / Module 1 Saturdays / 16 sessions / 84 hours / COMPLETED
***GMed (Pathfinder) Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign / Edge of Anarchy Module 1 /Every Friday 10 Sessions / 61 hours/ COMPLETED
*** DMed (D&D 5th Ed) Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game every Saturday evening/ 8 Session/ 28 hours/ COMPLETED
*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Campaign Rivers Run Red / Module 2 Every Sunday/ 12 Sessions/ 68 Hours / COMPLETED
***DMed (D&D 5th Ed) Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Sunday One Shot/ 1 session/ 3 hours/ COMPLETED
*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Campaign (Pathfinder Module 1) / Stolen Lands Sunday / 15 Sessions / 89 hours / COMPLETED
*** DMed, (D&D 5th Edition) Lost Mine of Phandelver (32 hours) / COMPLETED
*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 1 Stolen Land / 89 hours, / COMPLETED
*** GMed (Pathfinder) Crypt of the Everflame sessions 14 hours, then group decided to run another campaign of Runelords / COMPLETED
*** PLAYER at Roll20 - 2234 Hours
Starfinder Homebrew? Every Tuesday 3-6 PM 3 session in/ 11 hours in/ VERY BAD GM, rage quit and deleted the game and Discord server, YIKES, lesson Learned, again the hard way... :(
COMPLETED Starfinder Horizons of the Vast AP Module I/ Planetfall /23 sessions in/ 86 hours in
COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Against the Scarlet triad Module 5 17 Sessions in / 89 Hours in
COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Fires of the Haunted City Module 4 / 10 sessions in / 48 hours in
COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Edition Age of Ashes Tomorrow Must Burn module 3 /12 sessions in /34 hours
--COMPLETED{Pathfinder 2nd Ed} Age of Ashes Module 2 / Cult of Cinders / 15 sessions in / 74hours in
--COMPLETED (Pathfinder second Edition) Age of Ashes Adventure Path Hellknight Hill, Saturday evenings 6:30 to 10:30 PM/ CST 13 sessions in / 61 hours in
--COMPLETED (Alien RPG) / 2 session in/ 7 hours in and into act III for next time
--COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Fangwood Keep Module 2 session in/ 12 hours in
--COMPLETED (Pathfinder 2nd Ed Playtest) Doomsday Dawn Section 1/ 5 hours/ 1 session
--COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) 1 shot Home brew The Hound of Cabel
6 Hours
--COMPLETED / (Starfinder) Society Scenario The Commencement 5 hours 1 session
*****(Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion / Module 1 Trail of the Hunted /6 Sessions in / 32 hours / 9 PM - 1 CST
---(Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous / Module 2 The Sword of Valor / every other Saturday night / 6 Session / 31 hours /COMPLETED
*** COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) one shot Two up, one down / 5 hours
***COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Cave of Trials One Shot HomeBrew / 4 hours
*** COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous / Module 1 The Worldwound Incursion / 5 sessions / 23 hours in every other Saturday night / 10- 2 AM
Pathfinder Strange Aeons Module 2 The Thrushmore Terror / 1 session/ 6 hours/ left the game because party turned into the sadly typical Evil Murder Hobo group...:(
**COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Strange Aeons , In Search of Sanity /Mod 1 of the AP Late friday nights/ 6 sessions / 28 hours in
Pathfinder / Player in Hells Rebel's AP campaign every Saturday, 1 Session / 4 hours./ GM was voted out and I took up the GM position
**COMPLETED Legendary planet One shot / 1 Session 7 hours
**COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Module 4 Island of Empty Eyes/ 7 sessions/ 44 hours/, (sort of as final session TPKed......) :(
**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Skull &Shackles Campaign Module 3 Tempest Rising/ 6 Sessions in/ 32 hours
**COMPLETED (Pathfinder Calibran Heist Shadowrun Homebrew one shot/ 6 hours/
**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Campaign Module 2 / Raiders of The Fevered Sea/ 14 sessions / 81 hours MONDAY Evenings/
**COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) 1 shot Tyrany of Dragons/ 10 hours /
**COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) One shot The Sun and Spiders Web / 1 session 9 hours/
** COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Campaign Module 1 The Wormwood Mutiny/ 5 sessions / 30 hours
** Pathfinder Card Games 6 / 6 sessions / 16 hours/ COMPLETED
**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Hollow's Last Hope ONE SHOT 1 session 7 hours
** COMPLETED(Pathfinder) The Godsmouth Herecy (PF) One shot this Monday/ 7 Hours
*ALMOST COMPLETED (Pathfinder) RotRL Module 1 Burnt Offerings/ 10 Session 58 hours
* Pathfinder Caravan of Destiny/ One Shot, 7 hours / COMPLETE
** Pathfinder The Dragon's Demand 15 Sessions, 88 Hours in / COMPLETED
* Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Lands 14 Sessions 79 Hours/ moved to another day so could not Complete/finish the final session.
** 87 hours Flames of War as a GM (20 sessions) Player 18 Games 174 hours/COMPLETED
** (D&D) Dungeon Command, 16 games completed , 23 sessions Player/GM 114 hour
* 3 Pathfinder homebrew Campaigns 11 Sessions, 54 hours,
Games for D&D's Dungeon Command and a Flames of War, mini Wargame, Weird War II game. And looking at Glen Cook's The Black Company as well.
Have played the original D & D and AD & D back in the day, way back when ( Ha Ha Ha)
Played and GMed more than a few Wargames and Pathfinder Play by post games as well. Now GMing and playing Pathfinder/ Pathfinder 2nd Ed/ Starfinder andD&D 5th ed games here on Roll20for the last 11+ years
Future Campaigns I want to run or play in
Pathfinder 2nd Edition Bloodlords AP
Starfinder Drift Crashers AP
As a GM/Player, I have had 614 players, of all those I would have no prob with gaming again with about 534 or so of them
As a Player I have been with 37 GMs so far, I'd play another game under him or her with about 29 of them.