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t Member since 07/21/12 \/ G GM of 83 games \/ 28217 Hours Played \/ 5405 Forum Posts

***Total hours 26050
*GMing Now on Roll20


(1st Group) GMing Rusthenge Module, THEN Pray For Death Module THEN Curtain Call AP / Sunday 4-8 PM/ 5 players 9 session in/ 12 hours in

(5nd Group)-- GMing Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every other Tuesday 3-6 PM PM CST 8 Session in / 28 Hours in / 6 players

(1st Group) GMing (Pathfinder @nd Ed) Gatewalkers Module 1 The Seventh Arch / every Sunday 4-8 PM CST / 11 session in / 50 hours in / 5 players

*(2nd Group)-- GMing Pathfinder 2nd Ed Kingmaker Module 1 every Monday 4 to 8 PM CST 26 Sessions in / 110 Hours in / 6 players

*(3rd Group (Alternating every 2nd week) (PFII) AP Quest for the Frozen Flame / Mod 2 Lost Mammoth Valley / 8 PM to 12 PM CST / 16 sessions in / 67 hours in / 6 players

*(4th group) GMing (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Whispers of the Eclipse Module 3 every other Monday nite 12 session in / 54 hours in, 5 Players

Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest Cosmic Birthday Module 4 sessions in/ 12 hours in

(5th group) GMing (Starfinder) Drift Crashers AP Nightmare Scenario Module 2 every other Tuesday nite / 1 session in / 3 hours in, 6 Players
___________________________________________________________________ *(6th group) GMing (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Blood Lords / Zombie Feast module 1/ every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 11:30 / 14 Sessions in / 64hours in / 6 Players

*(7nd Group)-- GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every Sunday Nite 8-12 PM PM CST 16 Session in / 56 Hours in / 6 players


***PLAYER on Roll20 at the moment

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Starfinder 1st Ed) Mechageddon every other Monday Nite nite/ 8 PM to 12 / 5 players

7 sessions in / 21 hours


GMed / COMPLETED on Roll20****


COMPLETED(4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Whispers of the Eclipse Module 3 every other Monday nite 14 session in / 60 hours in, 5 Players


COMPLETED (5th group) GMing (Starfinder) Drift Crashers AP The Perfect Storm Module 1 every other Tuesday nite / 14 session in / 48 hours in, 6 Players
****COMPLETED(3rd Group (Alternating every 2nd week) (PFII) AP Quest for the Frozen Flame / Mod 1 Broken Tusk Moon / 8 PM to 12 PM CST / 15 sessions in / 52 hours in / 6 players

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers / Nightmare Scenario module 2/ every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 1130 / 15 Sessions in / 42 hours in / 6 Players

****COMPLTED (6th group) GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers / The Perfect Storm module 1 / every other Monday Nite 8 PM to 1130 / 10 Sessions in / 36 hours in / 6 Players

***COMPLETED(4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Serpents in the Cradle Module 2 every other Monday nite 13 session in / 32 hours in, 5 Players

****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Drift Crashers One Shot Before The Storm Module every other Tuesday nite 3 session in / 12 hours in, 6 Players

----- GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Blood Lords AP / every other sunday nite 8-12, 6 players / 10 sessions in / 36 hours/ Group broke up........

****COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Before the Storm one shot Every other Monday Nite 8-11pm / 6 players 4 sessions in / 16 hours in


*COMPLETED 9/22 (4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Horizons of the Vast / Planetfall Module 1 every other Monday nite 12 session in / 51 hours in, 6 Players
COMPLETED 10/22 (1st Group) GMed (PFII) AP Strength of 1000's/ module 1 Kindled Magic every 1st and 2nd week Sunday first & second 4-8 PM CST / 14 session in / 60 hours in / 5 players

****COMPLETED 8/22(2nd Group)-- GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Hellknight Hill Module 1 every Monday 4 to 8 PM CST 16 Session in / 84 Hours in / 6 players


****COMPLETED 2/22 (3rd Group) GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) Agents of Edgewatch Module 1 Devil At The Dreaming Palace On /every other Tuesday at 7 to 11 PM CST/ 15 session in / 59 hours, 5 Players / finished 4/19/ 2022

**COMPLETED 1/22 GMed (Starfinder) one shot The Great Grav Train Robbery 1 session 5 hours game time / Finished 4/12/2022
*COMPLETED 4/21 GMed (PF II) Age of Ashes AP Tomorrow Must Burn/ module 3 every Sunday 2-6 PM / 14 session in / 67 hours in Finished 8/9/2021

***COMPLETED 1/21 GMed (Starfinder) Fly Free or Die / We're No Heroes Module 1 every other Friday nite 8 session in / 36 hours in, Finished 4/18/2021


***COMPLETED 11/20 / GMed Pathfinder 2nd Ed Abomination Vaults module 1 Ruins of Gauntlight every friday 4-8 PM 15 sessions in 61 hours Finished 1/6/2021


***COMPLETED 10/20 (1st Group) GMed Age of Ashes AP Cult of Cinders module 2 every Saturday 2-6 PM / 23 session in / 98 hours in 10/12/2020

***COMPLETED (3rd Group) WAS GMing (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) The Extingtion Curse Module 1 The Show Must Go On /every Friday at 4 to 8 PM CST/ 10 session in / 47 hours, 6 Players Had to take 2 months off because holiday work schedule change only 3 players remaining so start fresh with Abomination Vaults Finished 12/14/2020


***COMPLETED (4th group) GMed (Starfinder) Attack of the Swarm Module 2 The Last Refuge every other Friday nite 8 session / 34 hours in, 5 Players


***COMPLETED GMed Main Group Age of Ashes AP Hellknight Hill module 1 every Saturday 2-6 PM / 15 session in / 66 hours in


***COMPLETED (3rd Group) GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) Age of Ashes Module 1 Hellknight Hill every Friday at 4 to 8 PM CST/ 15 session in / 76 hours, 6 Players


***COMPLETED GMed (Starfinder) Attack of the Swarm Module 1 Fate of the Fifth every other Friday nite 10 session in / 41 hours in, 4 Players


***COMPLETED-- GMed (Pathfinder) Rise of the Runelords AP / Module 2 Skinsaw Murders every other Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 9 session in / 32 hours, 5 Players


***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Edition) The Fall of Plaguestone Module every Saturday at 2 to 6 PM CST/ 17 sessions and 68 hours in, 5 Players/ COMPLETED


***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Hell's Vengeance Module 1 The Hellfire Compact every Saturday 2 PM / 5 Sessions In/ 20hours ?switched to PF 2 Plagestone then Age of Ashes


**COMPLETED **GMed(Pathfinder) Rise of the Runelords AP / Module 1 Burnt Offerings every other Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 17 sessions in / 67 hours in/ COMPLETED

***COMPLETED /GMed (Pathfinder) War for The Crown Module 2 Songbird, Scion , Sabatour every Friday 4-8 PM CST / 17 session in/ 67 hours in

***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 2 Rivers Run Red every Saturday 2-6 PM/ 12 sessions in /48 hours in / Almost finished but had a party shake up so went with evil Hell's Vengeance AP

***COMPLETED 2 shot Starfinder Skittershot 2 sessions and about 7 hours

***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder) Return of the Runelords AP / Module 1 Roderics Cove every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 8 session in / 32 hours in

***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Doomsday Dawn Playtest AP/ every Saturday nite 7-11 PM CST/ 7 session in/24 hours

***COMPLETED GMed (Pathfinder 2nd Ed) Doomsday Dawn Playtest AP/ every Saturday nite 2-6 PM CST/ 10 session in/ 42 hours

***COMPLETED GMed 11/2/18 (Pathfinder) War for The Crown Module 1 Crownfall every Friday 4-8 PM CST / 10 session in/ 40 hours in

***COMPLETED 10/22/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 1 Stolen Lands every Saturday 2-6 PM/ 31 sessions in / 126 hours in

***COMPLETED 10/12/18 GMed (Pathfinder) The Rose Street Revenge PFS Playest 2nd Ed/ 4 sessions in 8 hours in

***COMPLETED GMed 10/3/18 (Pathfinder) The Rose Street Revenge PFS Playest 2nd Ed/ 3 sessions in 8 hours in

***COMPLETED---GMed (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous AP / Module 2 Sword of Valor every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 9 session in / 42 hours in/ NOT Completed due to player Problems, changed to Return of the Runelords

***COMPLETED 6/15/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion Fangs of War module 2 / 21 sessions in / 88 hours in / every friday 4-8 PM CST

***COMPLETED 5/4/18 GMed (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous AP / Module 1 every Friday Night 9-1 AM CST 16 session in / 62 hours in


***COMPLETED 9/16/17 (Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion / Module 1 Trail of the Hunted / 15 sessions in/ 64 hours in


*** COMPLETED 3/21/17 (Pathfinder) Jade Regent AP / Module 2 Night of Frozen Shadows every Saturday from 2-6 PM 21 sessions / 86 hours in half the party got TPKed before the end and they elected to change to Kingmaker

***COMPLETED---GMed (Starfinder) Dead Suns AP Reboot/ Every Saturday 7-11 PM CST/ 4 Session 16 hours in/ Sadly this game petered out as players just would'nt show up consistantly :(

***COMPLETED Starfinder Into The Unknown Scenario 5 hours


---GMed (Starfinder) Dead Suns AP Reboot/ Every Saturday 7-11 PM CST/ 4 Session 16 hours in/ Sadly this game petered out as players just would'nt show up consistantly :(

***GMed Starfinder Society The Commencement session on Sunday / COMPLETED

***GMed Starfinder Fugitive on the Red Planet Thursday / COMPLETED

***GMed Starfinder Salvations End Sunday / COMPLETED

***COMPLETED 11/3/16 GMed (Pathfinder) Jade Regent Module 1 The Brinestone Legacy
24 Sessions in / 122 hours played Saturday Afternoons / 2 - 6 PM CST

***COMPLETED 1/28/17 GMed (Pathfinder) Reign of Winter / Module 1 Snows of Summer / 11 Sessions / 51 Hours / Friday nights / 4-8 PM CST/ COMPLETED/ Party TPK at the end of the Module, switched to Ironfang Invasion AP

***COMPLETED 4/16/17GMed (Pathfinder) Shattered Star AP/ module 1 Shards of Sin/ every Friday / 12 Sessions in / 67 hours in / COMPLETED

***COMPLETED 1/24/16 GMed( Pathfinder)Hell's Rebels /Turn of the Torrent / Module 2 / 14 Sessions/ 88 hours in

***COMPLETED 9/14/15 GMed / (Pathfinder) Hell's Rebels / In Hell's Bright Shadow / Module 1 Saturdays / 16 sessions / 84 hours / COMPLETED

  • --GMed / (Pathfinder) Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign Module 2 / 7 days to the Grave /Every Friday / 7 Session/ 21 Hours/ but had to change my times/ days off so had to stop. :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

***GMed (Pathfinder) Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign / Edge of Anarchy Module 1 /Every Friday 10 Sessions / 61 hours/ COMPLETED

*** DMed (D&D 5th Ed) Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game every Saturday evening/ 8 Session/ 28 hours/ COMPLETED

*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Campaign Rivers Run Red / Module 2 Every Sunday/ 12 Sessions/ 68 Hours / COMPLETED

***DMed (D&D 5th Ed) Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Sunday One Shot/ 1 session/ 3 hours/ COMPLETED

*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Campaign (Pathfinder Module 1) / Stolen Lands Sunday / 15 Sessions / 89 hours / COMPLETED

*** DMed, (D&D 5th Edition) Lost Mine of Phandelver (32 hours) / COMPLETED

*** GMed (Pathfinder) Kingmaker Module 1 Stolen Land / 89 hours, / COMPLETED

*** GMed (Pathfinder) Crypt of the Everflame sessions 14 hours, then group decided to run another campaign of Runelords / COMPLETED


*** PLAYER at Roll20 - 2234 Hours


Starfinder Homebrew? Every Tuesday 3-6 PM 3 session in/ 11 hours in/ VERY BAD GM, rage quit and deleted the game and Discord server, YIKES, lesson Learned, again the hard way... :(

COMPLETED Starfinder Horizons of the Vast AP Module I/ Planetfall /23 sessions in/ 86 hours in
COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Against the Scarlet triad Module 5 17 Sessions in / 89 Hours in

COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Ed Age of Ashes Fires of the Haunted City Module 4 / 10 sessions in / 48 hours in

COMPLETED Pathfinder 2nd Edition Age of Ashes Tomorrow Must Burn module 3 /12 sessions in /34 hours

--COMPLETED{Pathfinder 2nd Ed} Age of Ashes Module 2 / Cult of Cinders / 15 sessions in / 74hours in

--COMPLETED (Pathfinder second Edition) Age of Ashes Adventure Path Hellknight Hill, Saturday evenings 6:30 to 10:30 PM/ CST 13 sessions in / 61 hours in

--COMPLETED (Alien RPG) / 2 session in/ 7 hours in and into act III for next time
--COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Fangwood Keep Module 2 session in/ 12 hours in
--COMPLETED (Pathfinder 2nd Ed Playtest) Doomsday Dawn Section 1/ 5 hours/ 1 session
--COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) 1 shot Home brew The Hound of Cabel
6 Hours
--COMPLETED / (Starfinder) Society Scenario The Commencement 5 hours 1 session
*****(Pathfinder) Ironfang Invasion / Module 1 Trail of the Hunted /6 Sessions in / 32 hours / 9 PM - 1 CST

---(Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous / Module 2 The Sword of Valor / every other Saturday night / 6 Session / 31 hours /COMPLETED

*** COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) one shot Two up, one down / 5 hours

***COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Cave of Trials One Shot HomeBrew / 4 hours

*** COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Wrath of the Righteous / Module 1 The Worldwound Incursion / 5 sessions / 23 hours in every other Saturday night / 10- 2 AM

Pathfinder Strange Aeons Module 2 The Thrushmore Terror / 1 session/ 6 hours/ left the game because party turned into the sadly typical Evil Murder Hobo group...:(

**COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Strange Aeons , In Search of Sanity /Mod 1 of the AP Late friday nights/ 6 sessions / 28 hours in

Pathfinder / Player in Hells Rebel's AP campaign every Saturday, 1 Session / 4 hours./ GM was voted out and I took up the GM position

**COMPLETED Legendary planet One shot / 1 Session 7 hours

**COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Module 4 Island of Empty Eyes/ 7 sessions/ 44 hours/, (sort of as final session TPKed......) :(

**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Skull &Shackles Campaign Module 3 Tempest Rising/ 6 Sessions in/ 32 hours

**COMPLETED (Pathfinder Calibran Heist Shadowrun Homebrew one shot/ 6 hours/

**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Campaign Module 2 / Raiders of The Fevered Sea/ 14 sessions / 81 hours MONDAY Evenings/

**COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) 1 shot Tyrany of Dragons/ 10 hours /

**COMPLETED (D&D 5th Ed) One shot The Sun and Spiders Web / 1 session 9 hours/

** COMPLETED(Pathfinder) Skull & Shackles Campaign Module 1 The Wormwood Mutiny/ 5 sessions / 30 hours

** Pathfinder Card Games 6 / 6 sessions / 16 hours/ COMPLETED

**COMPLETED (Pathfinder) Hollow's Last Hope ONE SHOT 1 session 7 hours

** COMPLETED(Pathfinder) The Godsmouth Herecy (PF) One shot this Monday/ 7 Hours

*ALMOST COMPLETED (Pathfinder) RotRL Module 1 Burnt Offerings/ 10 Session 58 hours
Pathfinder Caravan of Destiny/ One Shot, 7 hours / COMPLETE
** Pathfinder The Dragon's Demand 15 Sessions, 88 Hours in / COMPLETED
* Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Lands 14 Sessions 79 Hours/ moved to another day so could not Complete/finish the final session.
** 87 hours Flames of War as a GM (20 sessions) Player 18 Games 174 hours/COMPLETED
** (D&D) Dungeon Command, 16 games completed , 23 sessions Player/GM 114 hour
* 3 Pathfinder homebrew Campaigns 11 Sessions, 54 hours,
Games for D&D's Dungeon Command and a Flames of War, mini Wargame, Weird War II game. And looking at Glen Cook's The Black Company as well.


Have played the original D & D and AD & D back in the day, way back when ( Ha Ha Ha)

Played and GMed more than a few Wargames and Pathfinder Play by post games as well. Now GMing and playing Pathfinder/ Pathfinder 2nd Ed/ Starfinder andD&D 5th ed games here on Roll20for the last 11+ years

Future Campaigns I want to run or play in

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Bloodlords AP

Starfinder Drift Crashers AP

As a GM/Player, I have had 614 players, of all those I would have no prob with gaming again with about 534 or so of them

As a Player I have been with 37 GMs so far, I'd play another game under him or her with about 29 of them.



Enjoys Playing
Pathfinder Second Edition, Starfinder
Actively Seeking Group For
Pathfinder Second Edition, Starfinder