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J. Dale Himebaugh

t Member since 07/24/12 \/ G GM of 2 games \/ 1655 Hours Played \/ 152 Forum Posts

I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons since it was hand assembled in the Brown Box edition and was sold out of Gary Gygax's original house. I can remember having poker chips with white athletic tape with a magic +1 sword written it as my character and running into a vampire as a 1st level character at UCLA. But we got better and I played almost every weekend for many, many, too many years. I am an old dog, long of tooth and don't have a lot of time to teach kids. But if you act mature and are willing to listen to mature game play, I'm willing to take the time to try and educate the younger generation on how to socially mix with the older crowd.I am currently on hiatus from gaming but will be starting again soon.. Contact me by messenger..

Enjoys Playing