Hi. Im a guy who likes high powered adventures, with good story, good roleplaying and maybe less fighting and repetitive skill checks than most. For me insane power should be a gateway to insane possibilities rather than an obstacle of creating challenges, you need not always be at death's door to have fun after all.
For me in recent years power has taken on a new angle to be taken at. For me it details a certain amount of comfort. If i am comfortable with a setting I am a little less worried about it. I dont have to be as strong in a game focused on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure I dont feel the need to be as strong as Id want to be in a game based on DC or a setting I dont know. As someone who has played no where near as many games as he'd have liked over the years... I just want to start from a place that makes me feel alright.
I fundamentally believe in one simple fact in terms of power, mechanics and story. Which one is at the forefront depends on the players and the situation... but if you're doing well none of them are "More important" than the others.
A gm should be willing to spend a few hours with someone to know what their character is and how to make it work
Mutants and masterminds deal breakers:
-Pl under 10 (some exceptions if its really interesting to me)
-Low power point gain. The system's suggestion of a point a session can be way to low to be appropriate for a game, especially on long sessions. 3-5 for low end sessions/short sessions or more points for a long/important/busy session is alot better at actually letting people accomplish something with their points, and signifigantly more if you raise pls
Star Wars things
Really want to be a jedi and part of taking down the empire
If you want to throw tons of caveats onto being a jedi or other force user i may just be out. Im interested much more in the fun and joy of star wars before how certain things started imploding ll over the setting. We are playing "Our" star wars, we shouldn't remain beholden to any of the existing material other then the parts we love.