Name: Paul S.
D&D experience: 30+ years DM experience (more Basic, AD&D, Birthright, 2E, 3.5, 5E, GenCon and Tournament Games, more than I can count)
Preferred style: Collaborative, high fantasy and intrigue, with a healthy balance of RP (social/carousing), combat and strategy (problem solving). I can play or DM in any gameplay method, but I like making charcters, NPCs, maps, encounters, handouts, audio clips, character voices...the whole gambit. I have an comprehensive understanding and fluency of the game mechanics and strategy to allow the player to lead and have "player agency." When the players are the clients and it is about them, their engagement, and their fun the DM has fun.
Other information: I have been DMing and playing since middle school . . . a really long time, but have loved every minute. I am a gainfully employed career administrative professional and academic, with a wife and successful adult children - aka geeky, but not a freak or weirdo. I have run games for 6-14 players, new to highly experienced, in every campaign setting since Greyhawk. Very reliable. I can only remember a handful of times I have ever had to cancelled a game session. I have a player following and can bring in sub-player or NPCs whenever needed. I prefer players who get along, have a positive disposition, like to collaborate, are funny and creative, and win by playing smart rather than overpowered.