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Salman Corbette

t Member since 02/25/14 \/ G GM of 49 games \/ 4337 Hours Played \/ 269 Forum Posts

“My sides hurt from laughing. This is amazing.” - Alice B.

“jajajjaajaja, the voices was too good.” - Jackllegue

"Some DMs are good at D&D. Some DMs are good at storytelling and comedy. Corb is one of those rare DMs who's good at both." - Thruster

Comedian, Improviser, and former SCP author. Professional Dungeon Master. I specialize in improvisational, wacky one-shots! If you'd like to book me for a private game, or if you're interested in my public offerings (paid and private), contact me via email:

Profile pic by @yoeaves:

Enjoys Playing
D&D 5E