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Saul J.

t Member since 04/28/19 \/ G GM of 24 games \/ 3262 Hours Played \/ 1378 Forum Posts

Long time gamer going back as far as the white box for D&D. I've GM'd D&D off and on, even writing my own magic system back in the days of Advanced D&D because I didn't like their magic system. I've also played and run Call of Cthulhu since the first edition of that game as well as Doctor Who since the FASA version. I've also played Traveler, Paranoia, Deadlands, Rift, Star Trek (the FASA version), and a bunch of other RPGs that I can't remember right now. I'm also a board gamer.

Enjoys Playing
Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), D&D 5E, Traveller ( Any Edition )