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Brian W.

t Member since 04/25/14 \/ G GM of 5 games \/ 213 Hours Played \/ 16 Forum Posts

I'm getting back into RPGs after a 20+ year hiatus. I started playing D&D at age 8 after getting my hands on a coloring book from TSR that had an extremely basic version of the rules printed on the inside cover. I played a lot of Call of Cthulhu and GURPS (various settings) in High School, then fell out of gaming entirely in college.

I'm currently trying to re-build my chops as a GM. I'm going back to basics and running an old-school-ish fantasy adventure... My long term goal, though, is to put together the resources and players to run games in a near-future dystopian setting

Enjoys Playing
Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), GURPS