Jordan Dean “Mystery” Ezekude is a British artist, writer, music producer and Game Master with a passion for audiovisual storytelling. He specialises in writing short stories and poems, creating digital artwork and producing electronic dance music including house, trance and drum & bass. He also plays and runs tabletop role-playing games online via Roll20 and Discord, namely Dungeons & Dragons and World of Darkness.
Mystery Ezekude grew up playing countless video games since childhood and always dreamed about making his own. At the age of 26, he began playing tabletop role-playing games online, namely Dungeons & Dragons and World of Darkness.
He always plays by text chat and never by voice chat, namely to avoid disturbing his neighbours.
Two years later, he started creating and running his own Vampire: The Masquerade (V5) chronicles and homebrew Dungeons & Dragons (5e) campaigns. As of July 2024, he has resumed Game Mastering after a year's hiatus, dabbling in various tabletop roleplaying games to enjoy as both a player and a Game Master.