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t Member since 05/23/14 \/ G GM of 33 games \/ 30229 Hours Played \/ 260 Forum Posts

I'm an experience DM who's put more time then he should with campaign creation and with Roll20. I put fourth a lot of effort as possible to my campaigns, though must of my creation is on the spot; fear not for my wing-it mind. I'm quite accomplished in my ability to handle the magnitude display set fourth from my players action.

If your an individual who's interested in talking with someone with a EST time zone that has a work schedule with days on and off more so then working the usual 5-7days. Hit me up! I'm looking for other people to first get acquainted with as our group is a very loving and quite frankly well creative set mind of fun.

We indulge heavily in role play, but also have a immature personality to mix with our maturity. Our stories are action pack, plot driven and does have quite the open world; however, a lot of our designs can be very custom, which the only thing you may need to get used too is the home brew rules. Other then that, we are strictly pathfinder based.

My availability is when ever I can get on, depending if I'm working that day or not. We try to set a schedule but, we're mostly a skype group who enjoys a bit of company and our selves.

Enjoys Playing
Actively Seeking Group For