My name is Nico. I love playing DnD, and have been for approximately ten years, DMing for much of that. I remember a few years ago I was reluctant to make the transition to 5e, but I'm happy that I have after playing 3.5 and Pathfinder for so long.
A couple of years ago I began delving into Roll20 after playing with a group online and seeing what the VTT had to offer. It was not long before I started running a West March campaign with some other DMs in order to gather experience at an accelerated rate. That, combined with many Youtube videos and tutorials on various functions, macros, and APIs in the VTT have made me a competent and confident DM and Roll20 user.
I do voices/accents now and then, some are pretty damn good. My primary focus lies in descriptive language, consequential narrative, and making the PCs feel like an important part of the narrative, and part of a fleshed out world.
When not gaming I am usually hanging out with my girlfriend, practising my musical chops, or prepping an adventure in Roll20. I am a commended multi-tasker, an accomplished improviser, and have honed multiple outlets of creativity over the course of my life. Three of my greatest and most relevant capabilities are that I am a clear and expressive communicator, I have strongly developed leadership & mediation skills, and I am a professional performer, ready to fold you into a show of your very own.
If I'm your DM, you can expect me to be accountable, reliable, prepared, and engaged from week to week and even between sessions. If that sounds like you as well, holler at me!
Check out my SPG reviews here:
Shoot me a friend request on Discord and let's see is there's an open seat at my table for you! ResoluteZEN#3104