I'm a former staff illustrator and card game developer for an international nerdy online retailer. I'm historically a DM for in-person games, and I came to Roll20 for the opportunity to be a player. I now DM online games, as well. I have enough respect for other DMs that I don't apply for games I don't think I can make every week. I'm a narrative player, not a min-maxer, though I do try to make the best character I can within the limitations of my concept. I like to get into a character and a setting. I'm an actor-type player at heart, with storytelling and problem solving coming along for the ride.
I've been playing RPGs since 2008, including AD&D, 3.5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Mutants and Masterminds, Hero System, Dungeon World, and Anima. I've also played some small, locally-produced rpgs. I was introduced to roleplaying games through one of those local systems.
I'm primarily interested in 5e these days, and that's what I'm here to play.