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t Member since 03/30/20 \/ G GM of 0 games \/ 106 Hours Played \/ 3 Forum Posts

Long time OSG who's been out of the hobby for a while and wants to see why it's suddenly so popular. And where we're all those good looking nerd girls when I was growing up?

Enjoys Playing
Board Games ( Settlers of Catan, Chess... ), Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Cortex ( Firefly, Serenity, Battlestar, Supernatural ), D&D 5E, D6, Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), GURPS, Gamma World ( Any Edition ), HERO Games ( Champions ), Harry Potter, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Mothership, Mutants and Masterminds, Paranoia, Paranoia Mongoose Edition, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... ), Star Trek Adventures, Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... ), Stars Without Number