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t Member since 04/18/20 \/ G GM of 18 games \/ 5246 Hours Played \/ 62 Forum Posts

Old enough to have played First edition DnD. Now im grown up (sort of) I thought it would be fun to play DnD again. Sadly, my painted lead minatures and books were left with my mate in Australia (I wished I brought the with me to the UK). However I have recently bought a PG MM and DMG and a few modules from fleabay for the nostalgia.

I like to focus on the combat / adventure / strategy elements of the game and spending an hour discussing beer types and wenches at the tavern isn't my thing. That said, I'm happy to ensure my character acts in a way that suits the character and his/her background, just without the sound effects.

I am a DM in the Bright Dawn Westmarches (pm me if you want a link). My style is fairly relaxed however I like to have my creatures to be of appropriate intelligence to give the players a challenge.

I hope that gives you a flavor of my style and experience....See you at the game.

Cheers Rich.

Enjoys Playing
AD&D ( 1st Edition and 2E ), D&D 5E