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t Member since 01/08/15 \/ G GM of 57 games \/ 1151 Hours Played \/ 4 Forum Posts

Avid roleplayer since 1982 but new to roll 20.
Played every major RPG and lots of exotics.
GMed mostly Torg, Das Schwarze Auge, Shadowrun, Talislanta, Earthdawn, D6 system, Masterbook, Paranoia, Dark Conspiracy, Ars Magica, Cyberpunk, Castle Falkenstein, Tales from the Floating Vagabond, but now I am only GMing...


Corona made me look into roll20 again which I had given a glimpse some years ago but stayed with old fashioned real life RPG instead. The cancellation of conventions due to the Corona situation made me give roll20 another chance. Now I am GMing Torg Eternity on roll20