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t Member since 01/01/13 \/ G GM of 4 games \/ 4724 Hours Played \/ 635 Forum Posts

Been playing since AD&D. I love roleplaying but also enjoy mechanical combat as well. My favorites are really GURPS for the play system and Rifts for the campaign world. I like D&D for when I run games as its pretty simple. I'm relatively new to online gaming, mostly I like face-to-face but its tough these days with kids and work. I don't enjoy emotionally challenged people as I like my roleplaying to be easygoing and fun. If you bring lots of personal drama and an overly harsh personality I am not a good fit for that. If you need politically correct or LGBTQ friendly, I'm not the guy. I suffer from Dave Chappelle syndrome and am likely to make fun of everything sacred.

Enjoys Playing
GURPS, Pathfinder
Actively Seeking Group For