Technology write for us is changing the way we live our lives and the way we work. It is also changing the way we learn and communicate. We are able to learn more in one day than we could have learned in one year before the invention of technology. Technology allows us to communicate with each other, which is an amazing thing. However, technology has also allowed for a lot of distractions from what's important in life and it is up to us as individuals to decide how much time we want to spend on technology.Today, technology has created a huge impact on our everyday lives. We can shop, communicate, and do so many other things with the touch of a button. The need for technology is so great that we are even creating new technologies to help us. One such example is the invention of the smart watch, which is a device that combines a digital watch with mobile phone capabilities. The purpose of this invention is to make it easier for people to stay connected with friends and family in their daily lives.