Long time DM, going back to 80s and AD&D 1st & 2nd. Lost interest in 3rd, ran a campaign in 4th and now on 5th which is my overall favorite by far. I have GMed plenty of other systems/games but D&D is what I'm doing here.
Current players are people I know in person but one moved away and the campaign moved to Roll20 as a result. While we are not currently looking for other players, you never know. There is room for growth in the party and I believe having more players helps mitigate schedule conflicts, etc.
Games are mostly held every other Saturday night with some fluctuation based on scheduling issues that arise, generally moving to a Friday night instead.
I have considered the idea of DMing a game on Roll20 with completely new players (through Roll20's player finder, etc.) as I realize there are often more players than DMs available. However, I haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. Still have to think about scheduling (married, employed, and a toddler!). I may set up a one-shot sometime and advertise it just to test the waters.
At any rate, if you've read this far, and you're a player looking for a game (even just a one-shot), send me a message or something. The concept of playing online with people I don't (yet) know is a new one for me, but it's something I'm considering.