Old AD&D dog self-teaching new D&D 5e & Pathfinder 2e tricks. 10 years + over 6,000 (real) hours into Roll20; Played a lot of 1st ed, 2nd ed AD&D and a few other old-school RPG's. I think I may have even played GammaWorld once but I may have been just been reeeally drunk in downtown Reno. Been running 5e D&D for about 10 years now, and am branching into running Pathfinder v2, although I'm using Foundry more and more instead of Roll20. I'm a pretty casual gamer, but don't hold that against me. Occasional watcher of Critical Role. Regular viewer of Matt Colville, WebDM, Dungeon Dudes, and sometimes even Ben over at Puffin Forest. Fan of old-school 80's D&D artists like Jeff Dee, Erol Otus, Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley & the gang.