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t Member since 07/09/21 \/ G GM of 4 games \/ 1416 Hours Played \/ 48 Forum Posts

I am a father of 3 kids who love playing D&D, they made me DM and I know very little about the game, so I read alot and created a long campaign for them (im still a huge Armature), I am just looking for a group that I can play a character and learn from them and the DM so I can be a Better DM for my kids. Im looking for a group that meets weekly and will allow me to develop a character and watch it grow to lvl 20.
As a Player I am now most fond of playing Artificers, they can either be a support, Tank or DPS. But Id play almost everything, The Barbarian is likely one I will not play, that type of character is not in my wheelhouse.
As a DM, I am quite laid back and allow anything that makes sense or anything published, My whole idea is that you need to love your character and as long as everyone is having fun why squash fun ideas???

Enjoys Playing
D&D 5E
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E