50 and married with two great teenage step kids and 3 dogs. I live in Texas and moved here after serving 10 yrs in USAF. I currently work for a chemical plant fixing lab instruments. For my gaming background I started played RPG games in the early 80's with the old red and blue book boxed sets of D&D. I always stuck mostly with D&D until 4th edition which I hated. At that point our group switched to Pathfinder. My time in Pathfinder was spent mostly as a GM. I've played other systems such as Shadow Run, Mutant Chronicles, Champions and Savage Worlds. I just recently picked up the PHD for 5th edition as I heard some good feedback about it. When I GM I like to go by the book and have my own errata to stuff I changed but stick mostly to what's in black and white. I like good story telling as well as a good dungeon crawl. As a player I like parties that work well together and enjoy being part of a team. I tend to play tanks or ranged death bringer types of characters. I also enjoy a good space opera game and have been all in with Starfinder since it came out and run a weekly game on Thursday nights.