Started playing Roleplay over an internet game with a friend many years ago, since then i have:
Went to a Roleplay focused school were everything were done with roleplay, everything history,math,etc.
The kinds of RP i did there were: , free style PnP, Warhammer 40k,Larp,quite a few others.
I also play with a group every 2 weeks (we switch between DnD 3,5,warhammer and a custom system we just started and are soon starting some Gurps.)
For Online RP i have roleplayed in varied games, Warcraft 3, Star Wars the Old Republic, etc.
i have hosted various games with a familiar group(DnD 3.5) on roll20, and played a few others.
I've also played with World of Darkness a few times here on Roll20, but my luck have been terrible, living in EU and the groups all broke down on there own.
If you wish to know more just ask :)