Long-term New England player on-and-off for some 30 years.
Systems: D&D5e, D&D3.5, AD&D, Star Wars D20, home-brew skill-based systems
GM twice-a-month group (Wednesday evenings): finished Lost Mines of Phandelver; running Princes of the Apocalypse (D&D 5E).
Play weekly (Friday evenings), finished ToEE, Curse of Strahd; playing Against the Giants
Style: I've played a variety of character classes and don't have a preference. I'm used to min/maxers but don't swing that way myself. I don't care if you swear; I do care if it's your primary form of communication. PvP is right out.
Per 8 Kinds of Fun (http://angrydm.com/2014/01/gaming-for-fun-part-1-eight-kinds-of-fun/)
Sensory: meh
Fantasy: yes
Narrative: yes
Challenge: sure
Fellowship: YES
Discovery: sure
Expression: yes for my character, meh for the setting
Submission: sure