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Gwen (she/her)

t Member since 06/14/15 \/ G GM of 23 games \/ 4016 Hours Played \/ 619 Forum Posts

About me

Hi. In 2014, I returned to role-playing games after a 10 year hiatus. Before that I played from the early 80s until the mid-2000s, from BECMI, AD&D, 2nd Ed, and making it up to third edition. I also played a ton of World of Darkness, as well as Palladium games like TMNT and Rifts, and also GURPS, Rolemaster, Shadowrun, Heroes Unlimited, Torg, Marvel RPG, Star Wars (d6 and d20), etc...

Then grad school and kids happened and I got busy, moved away from my gaming friends, and have been moving regularly for work ever since, getting my gaming fix via video games and board games. But now the kids are in school, I have a steady schedule, and Roll20 happened, so I'm gaming again! Which is awesome.

In general my favorite games are (in no particular order):

  1. D&D 5e
  2. Powered by the Apocalypse, several
  3. Savage Worlds, several
  4. Eclipse Phase setting
  5. Gumshoe
  6. Cypher System
  7. Dungeon/Mutant Crawl Classics
  8. Call of Cthulhu
  9. The idea of Mage: The Ascension, but not the system

Notes on fave systems/games/genres/settings:

In my opinion, Gumshoe is the best system for investigation stories. Cypher is light and heroic. Savage Worlds is a bit crunchier but still fast, swingy, and multi-genre. Eclipse Phase is the best philosophical game & best SF game, though I also like Stars Without Number. PbtA is my favorite system to play if I want to think about people in relationships of various sorts. DCC is my favorite gonzo OSR game. And D&D wins for nostalgia gaming.

Genre wise, I love Lovecraftian horror (Call & Trail of Cthulhu/Night’s Black Agents), occult-postmodern urban fantasy (Urban Shadows, Agents of Oblivion, The Strange, Esoterrorists, Mage:Ascension), and philosophical SF (Eclipse Phase). Escapist fantasy is also nice (D&D, Numenera, DCC).

Past games

...I had been listing the discrete games in which I'd played here on Roll20, but I stopped keeping track in like 2017! Suffice it to say I'm well into the triple digits on discrete games and probably close to triple digits on different systems.

Enjoys Playing
Apocalypse World System ( The Sprawl, Monster Hearts... ), Blades in the Dark, Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Cypher System Games ( Numenera, The Strange... ), D&D 5E, Delta Green, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeon World, Eclipse Phase, Fiasco, GUMSHOE, Original D&D ( Basic Expert Companion Master Immortals... ), Other Games, Paranoia, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... ), Shadow of the Demon Lord, Stars Without Number, World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... )
Actively Seeking Group For
Apocalypse World System ( The Sprawl, Monster Hearts... ), Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Cypher System Games ( Numenera, The Strange... ), Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeon World, Fiasco, GUMSHOE, Original D&D ( Basic Expert Companion Master Immortals... ), Other Games, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... )