Hi! I’m Gwen (she/her). I’m a philosophy professor studying the 17th C. I’m also a tabletop game designer, a bisexual transgender woman, and a mom. I’m into left politics, SF/F, games, punk, and coffee. I’m also sober. I believe in BLM, Palestine, and trans rights!
In the tabletop RPG world, I am a game designer and publisher. I have won two ENnie awards, have written multiple best seller titles, and am best known for writing Ancestry & Culture: An Alternative to Race in 5e. Most of my work is D&D related, but I have published content In World of Darkness, Savage Worlds, Cypher System, PbtA, and Lasers & Feelings.
As a player, my interests are eclectic. I play a lot of D&D still, but love to play PbtA games, as well as other systems. Indeed, I jump at the chance to play non-D&D games! Some favorites include Monsterhearts, Trail of Cthulhu, Apocalypse World, Masks, Night Witches, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Eat the Reich, Draw Steel!, Eclipse Phase, Stars Without Number, Dungeon Crawl Classics, and more.