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Calculation in input, autocalc issues

Hi everyone, I've been searching for some hours how to handle that but couldn't find a solution. Here's the thing : I've been trying to implement an input [ text ] that should contain an equation and get the result of that equation in another input [ number ]. If that equation is empty, the result value should be 0. Similarly to the pathfinder community sheet :  See :  I kinda found a way to do so with the disabled and autocalculation But if the input [ text ] is empty, I got no values at all in the result See :  I need that result in another calculation and in a roll. Until now, the only way I found to get a "0" in that result input was with value="[[@{macro} - 0]]"   But the console would fire an error "cannot parse or is out of range". I tried looking at the Pathfinder sheet code too, But tbh the code of that sheet is way too high level for me, from what I understood it was handled with the sheet/worker, and I'm not even sure about that My actual code with that macro : < button type = "roll" value = "/r 1d10 + @{macro_bonus}" > Roll </ button > < input type = "text" name = "attr_macro" placeholder = "#/Équation..." /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_macro_bonus" value = "@{macro}" disabled /> I'm kinda running out of idea how to do so, if anyone has any idea to unlock me I'd really appreciate Thanks for reading me !
Mh, there were pictures after the "See :" Anyways, I don't think they were really relevant They were litterally just an empty input text with a placeholder followed by an input number with a value equals to "0" in the first picture, and without value in the second one.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For pasting pictures, I don't paste them directly into roll20 - its glitchy enough thatand that fails frequently or takes a long time. I normally paste them in a different site (like imgur), and copy the link to paste it here.

Edited 1713812790
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It sounds like you are trying a conditional operation ("If this cell is empty, do this instead") and you can't do that with macros. I think the only way to do what you're trying to do is with a sheet worker.
Damn I hoped there would be an other option using the autocalc Thanks anyways buddy