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Breath Weapon

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Some creatures can exhale a cone, line, or cloud of energy or other magical effects. A Breath Weapon attack usually deals Damage and is often based on some type of energy. Breath Weapons allow a Reflex save for half Damage (DC 10 + 1/2 breathing creature's racial HD + breathing creature's Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature's descriptive text). A Creature is immune to its own Breath Weapon unless otherwise noted. Some breath Weapons allow a Fortitude save or a Will save instead of a Reflex save. Each Breath Weapon also includes notes on how often it can be used, even if this number is limited in times per day.

Format: Breath Weapon (60-ft. cone, 8d6 fire Damage, Reflex DC 20 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds); Location: Special Attacks; if the breath is more complicated than Damage, it also appears under Special Abilities with its own entry.


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