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Clockworks are constructs created through a fusion of magic and technology. They have the following traits unless otherwise noted.

  • Winding (Ex) Clockwork constructs must be wound with special keys in order to function. As a general rule, a fully wound Clockwork can remain active for 1 day per Hit Die, but shorter or longer durations are possible.
  • Vulnerable to Electricity: Clockwork constructs take 150% as much Damage as normal from electricity attacks.
  • Swift Reactions (Ex) Clockwork constructs generally react much more swiftly than other constructs. They gain Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats, and gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
  • Difficult to Create (Ex) The time and gp cost required to create a Clockwork is 150% of normal. Construction requirements in individual Clockwork Monster entries are already increased.


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