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Updated Page and Token Settings - Bugs & Feedback Thread

November 12 (4 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Hey everyone!

November 10th Patch Notes

On Tuesday (11-10-2020) the updated Page Settings and Token Settings were brought over from the developer server to live, so we're making this thread to collect any general feedback and issues that you come across so we can address any concerns you might have.

Most of the documentation for the update has acquired corrected images and sections have been adjusted because of the movement of some features to different tabs.

The following documents have been updated and may be useful to users unfamiliar with Page & Token Settings:

If you find that there is anything missing from the above pages, please let us know so that can be adjusted, or if you have any suggestions for useful instructions/details to be added.

The following article(s) still need updates to images and rearrangement of some sections:

This update was part of an effort to improve the organization of content to become more clearly divided and improve support for screenreaders for accessibility purposes. There may be further adjustments in the future depending on feedback and other features.

November 12 (4 years ago)

why is it that whenever ui's get "updated", they get way less compact and require twice as much scrolling

November 12 (4 years ago)

The page toolbar is unscrollable on my iPad; no way to easily jump to maps farther down...

November 12 (4 years ago)
KS Backer

Seth E. said:

why is it that whenever ui's get "updated", they get way less compact and require twice as much scrolling

I guess that it's for accessibility purposes.

November 12 (4 years ago)

Edited November 12 (4 years ago)

Some issues are already covered in this thread.  Perhaps you could merge them?

November 12 (4 years ago)

There is no way to change all maps to Dynamic Lighting Barriers Restrict Movement: On. I need to change every map manually, and in a module like Dungeon of the Mad Mage, that's a lot of maps.

November 13 (4 years ago)

Just going to link to the thread I already opened on this topic.

November 13 (4 years ago)

Edited November 13 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I think there is new and undesirable behavior reported here:

lavathor said:

So I play on a West Marches style DND 5e game, we have hundreds of players and dozens of games each week. I wanted to put together a streamable system in which it shows the players general stats and spell slots within roll20. However I've hit a barrier. I have a bunch setup but if I change out the Represents Character, it resets all the token bar attributes. Is there a way to switch which character it represents, while retaining the attribute selection? IE HP or Hit Dice?

As far as I know, changing representation did not used to change bar assignments.

November 13 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Marcel said:

Some issues are already covered in this thread.  Perhaps you could merge them?

There is also this thread (on the Pro forum)

November 13 (4 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Hey Everyone,

Our team previously had a conversation over, and is continuing to discuss the feedback we’ve received from all of you - but you’re all correct in that it is important that we share our views and the thoughts we’ve had as a result.

We discussed multiple ways to approach this redesign. There was a consideration to have the option for all the elements visible without scrolling but this would lead to creating new tabs which further breaks up the UI. Part of the purpose of the design, that was put on the Dev server, was to bring settings together and relinquish division of the “advanced” settings.

Today we had a meeting to revisit this topic amongst the team which we’ve acknowledged that there are distinct drawbacks to the current iteration - focusing around the hidden settings:

  • Unable to see the settings at a glance

  • Having to hover to the side to access the settings of the bar below

  • There is a drop down within a hover menu (further obfuscation)

  • The setting does not appear immediately identifiable

We do feel that this implementation is a cleaner and less overwhelming view as compared to the old settings which is what we’re working to achieve.

The takeaway we want to give is that we have been listening to your feedback, are going to iterate further, and satisfy your concerns while aiming for our goal.

In addition, the communication could have been improved, and is something that the team is still trying to work on.

- Elizabeth

November 14 (4 years ago)

Edited November 14 (4 years ago)

Actually just going to link to my comment in the other thread about this;

I think this would go here as I didn't see a problem until now, but I think something is going on with compendium sharing, the new tokens, and custom sheets.

I use a custom sheet for a spacefaring 5e game. I just assigned compendium sharing to the spacefaring game (I'd taken it off for a while). All tokens that I pulled from the compendium prior to nov 10 have lost all their data, including size data. For example, the Mind Flayer I pulled from the Compendium for the campaign a week ago used to have HP and AC in bars 1 and 2, as is usual. It did when I pulled it from the compendium, it did later when I duplicated the sheet and changed some token statistics. None of that would have affected the original Mind Flayer, which I left in the game Journal.

Now, I go to do some more work, and every token that I should have access to, with fully prepared tokens, and the tokens fail. No data, all are of one-square size. I don't know if this is a bug with the token updates but it seems appropriate to go here because this didn't happen until after the token interface was updated.

That said, I like the new look!

November 14 (4 years ago)

I appreciate the acknowledgement that Roll20 could have done a better job in several hours. Roll20 has a bad habit of claiming victory in the midst of defeat (UDL for example), and I find it refreshing that I am seeing more honest communication from several Roll20 team members. I agree with Wint (above) that this is light on the details, but want to say that I approve of their renewed efforts at communication. I don't expect any ETA, announcing times and dates is a losing battle for software development companies. Dates get missed and customers get angry. Giving us more specific details about ,the nature of upcoming changes would be great though. 

November 16 (4 years ago)

I don't know if this is related but all my players and I had significant issues with lag and loading today.  Several of my players couldn't get the maps to load.  This occurred in both Firefox and Chrome.  They did eventually all load but the one computer that wouldn't is the brand new gaming desktop I bought a month ago which is better than all the other computers.  And the maps that did load had a lot of lag.  I had to switch to rolling physical dice because there was a delay just in rolling dice online.  The only change made with the map setup was restricting player movement across the dynamic light barriers.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  We are doing BG:Descent Into Avernus.  Our other games still load fine.  And it can't be map size as we completed the entire Dungeon of the Mad Mage on Roll20 just fine.  Fingers crossed!

November 16 (4 years ago)

Similar to Shane, I ran a game tonight with 8 players (which is normal) and we had significant lag with Abilities (Macros) that run off of the D&D 3.5e sheet as well as some that utilize API scripts. I would estimate the lag to be about a x20 off of our normal baseline times for those activities. We are using Firefox and Chrome so it is doubtful that the browsers are the issue. We had not played in 2 weeks and no changes had been made to anything other than adding new creatures for our new encounters via my normal methodology which has not resulted in lag or any other issues in the past.

November 17 (4 years ago)
David M.
API Scripter

Before this thread gets derailed: Bummer about the lag problems, super frustrating I know, but I believe the intent was to limit discussions here to feedback on the Page & Token settings updates. I don't see how menu design changes would contribute to degraded game performance.

November 17 (4 years ago)

There is a noticeable stutter when you hover over or click on the buttons to access permissions for various aspects, though that's unrelated to the lag many people have been experiencing with maps.

November 17 (4 years ago)

David M. said:

Before this thread gets derailed: Bummer about the lag problems, super frustrating I know, but I believe the intent was to limit discussions here to feedback on the Page & Token settings updates. I don't see how menu design changes would contribute to degraded game performance.

Sorry.  I'm no computer surgeon.  I just know that was the only update posted publicly between sessions before it all happened.  About to submit a help ticket.

November 18 (4 years ago)

Shane said:

...The only change made with the map setup was restricting player movement across the dynamic light barriers.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  We are doing BG:Descent Into Avernus.  Our other games still load fine.  

I don't believe this is related to the token settings nor page settings if the change was Dynamic Light based, this really only effecting the UI rather than functionality if anything. Dynamic Lighting was updated a while back and it does have it's own thread, you may have better luck putting your feedback and complaints in there.

This update however on my own note is... really not great, obfuscating the Player Permissions behind a hover over element that's vague (three vertical dots) then making it a dropdown check box is far too hidden. There is no indication of what the existing permissions is on a token otherwise. Plus on top of that, one of the GMs of our games had issues with said dropdown menu where they could only navigate it with arrow keys because it disappeared upon moving their mouse. Would it have been such a huge issue to simply put the player permissions visible on a glance?

There is in fact much, much more mess when it comes to tokens in this way, oh sure! There's pages for items now but it's horrible to deal with for the majority of GMs with obfuscating and frustration. But I'll go over some of the more noteable changes:

Did Dynamic Lighting need a page to itself? Yes, that's actually a welcome change as some people may not use it so it can be a useless setting on the default page. Especially if said GMs are not Pro/Plus putting it in a seperate page does help in cleaning up Token Settings.

Should player permissions be hidden? Absolutely not, in fact that's one of the biggest things that a GM usually has to handle, doling out tokens, pages, and whatever else goes in the journal for the right player to control.

Should there be any hidden settings? Yes, if Dynamic Lighting isn't accessible by a GM the option should be hidden, alternatively if a map has the functionality set on, only tokens on said map should show the feature if it is available to the GM/Game owner. Permissions, Auras, Bars and similar should never be hidden unless the GM sets that as a default in the existing Default Token Settings games have.

Should Dynamic Lighting be displayed before Legacy Lighting in the Token Settings? No, it's in development and as before the "Updated" above it does not tell enough of the story. If anything there should be a "Beta Test" due to how buggy, slow, and impactful it can be in some games. In fact it did break some users maps, tokens, and entire games.

Player Permissions should have a section of it's own, not a page, a section on the front page of the Token Settings. Simply put the title as Player Permissions as a chart in some manner (say Title - See Permission - Edit Permission). Example of such could look like (where (1), (2), (3) respectively have their own listings per bar/aura):

Player Permissions

Token[ ][ ]
Aura (1) (2)[ ][ ]
Bar (1) (2) (3)[ ][ ]
November 18 (4 years ago)

I have been having problems with extreme lag when trying to enter data into character sheets, token, and naming pages.

November 18 (4 years ago)

As a GM, I put a graphic token om my map.

Then I assign the token to a person or all players. I re-join as player but the token loses all saved info for it.

I noticed also 2 different interfaces for the Token settings.

It comes since a week this problem and is persisting. I tried the same with different known browsers, and the same result

Solve this, if this organisation wants to have any quality assurance. This is basic functionality.

As one remark still, your documentation is not aligned with the token settings interface. since functionality is not available.

November 18 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

The player token interface is much different from the GM interface. This is by design. As for the losing info issue, can you give more detailed steps? This sounds more like a procedural issue than a straight bug. With step by step repro, maybe someone can find out what is going wrong.

November 20 (4 years ago)

It's a bug. 

And I can reproduce it each time (time over time).

In simple steps.

1. Create new Game

2. Give it a name

3. Choose character sheets - D&D 5e by Roll20

3. Launch Game

4. Take any graphic token as GM from repository

5. Open Token Settings

6. Choose in Controlled by 'All Players'

7. Open settings of the VTT and choose 'Re-join as Player' - Token should be selectable 

8. Token on VTT is not selectable.

9. Open settings of VTT and Choose 'Re-join as GM'

10. Open Token Settings - And controlled by is empty (oops it seems it forgot it with switching or something)

11. End of scenario 

This is a basic feature and should be basic test scenario

Here under screenshots of the token settings interface with a fresh created VTT.

And the page settings interface (remark the unformated text in the interface)

As written before, this was done on a newly created game.

November 20 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Jan,

I went through your steps very methodically, creating a new game from scratch. When I got to step 8, I was able to control the token as a player. When I got to Step 10, the token had retained "All Players" under controlled by. This was using Google Chrome on a Chromebook. 

Also, my page settings are correctly formatted, leading me to believe that the problem must be related to how the site is rendering and behaving for you. This is not normal or standard behavior.

What browser are you using, and have you tested without extensions loaded? (a private browsing window should be a good enough test)

November 20 (4 years ago)

Edited November 20 (4 years ago)

Looking at the position of the coloured blocks to the right of the token, he is using the VTTES extension.

Players always forget that it is an unsupported extension and repeatedly causes problems that players think are the fault of roll20.

November 21 (4 years ago)

Just watching

November 22 (4 years ago)


So, on our game last night (the first since the new update) one of my maps suddenly revealed as if allready explored. When I put my players on a (to them) new map they saw it all as if using explorer mode from UDL. I made the map a few weeks ago, before the update and back then, it worked fine. The map used LDL, so the explorer mode shouldn't be there. I couldn't figure how to solve this and cut the game short. Today I tinkered with the maps a bit but had to make a new map from scratch because I didn't find what was wrong. Had the same problem when dropping the player tokens on the new map. 

Turns out it revealed the whole map because I had both FoW and AFoW activated at the same time. When I switched FoW off, the problem wasn't there any more. Now, I have had FoW and AFoW running together on maps for almost two years now and think this has something to do with the new update. Wether or not intended, it sure ruined last game night.

Is this a new feature or a bug? Will I have to redo all of my old maps in order to make them work in the future?


Farling said:

Looking at the position of the coloured blocks to the right of the token, he is using the VTTES extension.

Players always forget that it is an unsupported extension and repeatedly causes problems that players think are the fault of roll20.

Players wouldn't use the VTTES extension if Roll20 didn't have gaping problems with their product. I would very much like to stop using the VTTES extension, but until they add a default token editor to the UI and a bunch of other things the extension handles, I will not. Don't shame people for using it.

November 22 (4 years ago)

I am setting up an interactive map page for my players and everything was working fine until this week.

When I add a rollable token and edit the settings (this includes adding a name plate and a link to a handout with further information), close the page and log back in, all these settings are gone and I have to re-enter them again. I have done this 4 times now and I cannot find an explanation for it.

November 22 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Leigh, we have been discussing this problem in the posts immediately preceding yours. Please read the last ten or so and see if this matches your experience. If so, verify if you are or are not using the VTTES extension.

November 22 (4 years ago)

Edited November 22 (4 years ago)

Jay R. said:

Don't shame people for using it.

It's not shaming; it's stating the fact that a third party plug-in can create problems, especially when Roll20 releases new code that the extension has not adapted to. It's a warning that you can use it, but makes it clear its development is not co-ordinated with Roll20 and is a "use at your own risk" kind of thing, and Roll20 is not committing to fixing problems that the plug-in causes. As long as people keep that in mind, I don't have a problem with them using any plug-in they wish (without shame :-).

November 22 (4 years ago)

keithcurtis said:

Leigh, we have been discussing this problem in the posts immediately preceding yours. Please read the last ten or so and see if this matches your experience. If so, verify if you are or are not using the VTTES extension.

Hi Keith,

I am using the VTTES extension for Firefox. Reading through the last ten posts it looks like there has been a recent update for Roll20 that VTTES hasn't code for yet which could be causing these problems.

November 23 (4 years ago)

I'm using the VTTES and don't have the problem you described.  I do notice that you have a second toolbar though.  I don't know where that came from and is not part of the VTTES as far as I am aware.  Do you have another extension installed that could be causing an issue?

November 23 (4 years ago)

Edited November 23 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

That second toolbar looks to come from a piracy site, not VTT ES. Jan, if this is so, please don't bring those issues here. I'd suggest trying the process without any extensions or injected scripts.

November 23 (4 years ago)

keithcurtis said:

That second toolbar looks to come from a piracy site, not VTT ES. Leigh, if this is so, please don't bring those issues here.

The pictures were posted by Jan D., not Leigh F.

November 23 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Farling said:

keithcurtis said:

That second toolbar looks to come from a piracy site, not VTT ES. Leigh, if this is so, please don't bring those issues here.

The pictures were posted by Jan D., not Leigh F.

Oh my goodness. Corrected. Thank you for catching that.

December 03 (4 years ago)

Apologies if this was already pointed out elsewhere, but it didn't turn up in my search results:

Token Aura mislabeled to list "Diameter" when it applies data entered as "Radius"

December 05 (4 years ago)

What kind of testing do you actually do before releasing something?  Here is something that should have been blatantly obvious - I won't bother with the post I just made, the roll20 folks never seem to read the issues and do nothing about them.  But how on earth (or insert favourite fantasy/SF planet :) ) could you have possibly missed that your new true page copy mixes up the order of objects on a layer?  And very badly so?

People have jumped all over me previously, for saying this, but you seem to be obsessed with your dynamic lighting to the exclusion of all else.  You don't seem to be making any steps to make sure new features you add are fully checked before being released.

Forgive me for saying this, but honestly, roll20 is becoming like the very bad software company I had to deal with at work for 20 years who would tweak their maintenance management system, break things, and then blindly proclaim all was working as desired despite pleas from their user group.  They lost droves of clients as a result.  That was a stressful experience I thankfully don't need to deal with anymore, but it's distressing to have to deal with it in something I enjoy doing for pleasure.

Waiting for the chorus of "this is not the place".  Well it darn well is the place.  I've been working on a campaign gratefully receiving help from many here since May.  In one fell swoop, it's been destroyed.  And unlikely to be addressed.  Oh, what about the 3d Dice rolling from sendChat that was broken the moment the new dynamic lighting appeared on scene?

ElKatWilbrooke said:

Hey Everyone,

Our team previously had a conversation over, and is continuing to discuss the feedback we’ve received from all of you - but you’re all correct in that it is important that we share our views and the thoughts we’ve had as a result.

We discussed multiple ways to approach this redesign. There was a consideration to have the option for all the elements visible without scrolling but this would lead to creating new tabs which further breaks up the UI. Part of the purpose of the design, that was put on the Dev server, was to bring settings together and relinquish division of the “advanced” settings.

Today we had a meeting to revisit this topic amongst the team which we’ve acknowledged that there are distinct drawbacks to the current iteration - focusing around the hidden settings:

  • Unable to see the settings at a glance

  • Having to hover to the side to access the settings of the bar below

  • There is a drop down within a hover menu (further obfuscation)

  • The setting does not appear immediately identifiable

We do feel that this implementation is a cleaner and less overwhelming view as compared to the old settings which is what we’re working to achieve.

The takeaway we want to give is that we have been listening to your feedback, are going to iterate further, and satisfy your concerns while aiming for our goal.

In addition, the communication could have been improved, and is something that the team is still trying to work on.

- Elizabeth

December 06 (4 years ago)

Edited December 06 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

As you stated in your other thread, you are running a community-offered API script that also affects page duplication. Have you run any tests on games the script has never touched? I am unable to reproduce your issue. Below is a game page with a pattern of overlapping tokens, on all three visible layers. The duplicate looks identical to the original. Can you give a reproducible sequence that demonstrates the failure of the feature (in a game untouched by the script)?

EDIT: As I offered in the other thread, I will happily add a Help Center Request of my own if I can reproduce this, since I agree it's not how the feature should work.

December 08 (4 years ago)

Edited December 08 (4 years ago)

The "Apply Default Settings" button in the roll20 app does not pick up the global settings set for the campaign.

For instance, the "Player Permissions: See" tick box is ALWAYS ticked for every single monster in the Rime of the Frostmaiden published campaign, and there is no global way to set this to OFF without editing each token individually.

Ive been having an issue with the Page Toolbar in my campaigns. Im going to upload a screenshot because I honestly don't quite know how to explain it and i cant seem to get rid of it. Any help in dealing with this will severely help me with building my sessions. 

December 08 (4 years ago)

Appears you are using the VTTES extension. Roll20 released an update that broke this extension. VTTES has released a version that fixes this brokenness.

Alexander Rey said:

Ive been having an issue with the Page Toolbar in my campaigns. Im going to upload a screenshot because I honestly don't quite know how to explain it and i cant seem to get rid of it. Any help in dealing with this will severely help me with building my sessions. 

December 09 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter


A good number of feedback posts have been made here and elsewhere, and there was a message three weeks ago that the feature was being revisited. Is there any chance that we could get a progress update? As it stands now, the interface is substantially less useful than before (at least for me, at acknowledged in your latest message), requiring a great many more clicks to see or edit settings.

December 29 (4 years ago)

Edited December 29 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

I'm having the page-duplication objects-duplicate-in-reverse-order bug. It may not be apparent when using a simple one-item Map layer background, or other objects that do not overlap; however, I like to make maps with usable/movable components (Gabriel Pickard's Vile Tiles for instance) - and the duplication feature sets them in reverse overlay order - I suspect it's paying attention to the raw order of objects, or it's running the front-to-back in reverse order (newly created objects appear over objects created previously) so I suspect reversing the order or paying attention to the order would be the fix on page duplication. 

I am not running any scripts (API) that deal with page duplication, or any browser extensions, on Chrome. 

Edited to add: I would be very disappointed to receive an official response that I should flatten my maps in an editor first. 

December 30 (4 years ago)

I don't know if this is related to the content of this thread, but the token image for tokens loaded from the compendium are not showing up. Instead they're popping up with that blank silhouette image. I really don't want to upload images for every random mount or monster sheet, any ideas?

December 30 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Megan,

Just checking, but have you purchased a compendium, such as the Monster Manual? Creatures from the free SRD do not have any of the licensed art attached.

December 30 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

keithcurtis said:


A good number of feedback posts have been made here and elsewhere, and there was a message three weeks ago that the feature was being revisited. Is there any chance that we could get a progress update? As it stands now, the interface is substantially less useful than before (at least for me, at acknowledged in your latest message), requiring a great many more clicks to see or edit settings.

Just checking on this. I am still trying to help users who are having trouble finding info or settings on the new set up. Is this still in development?

January 01 (4 years ago)

Just duplicated my first map of the year... the background was in front of all the text... of course...

Happy New Year!
Here are a few hints to the developer of this functionality (from an old geezer with almost 40 years of programming experience):

- first understand the datamodel of a page.
- secondly understand the concept and the importance of order in the graphical objects.
- thirdly understand the concept and the importance of Zorder.

I guess I don't quite understand the issue. If you change the Represents Character, doesn't that mean you are setting it to a different Represents that has its own settings? Forgive my newbie view, but I thought it was actually supposed to do that.

On a similar note, however, when I set an NPC token as a default token for a common character sheet, then bring out four or five to the board for a fight, if I manually change the hp of one token, all the others are changed as well. The way I get around that is through a macro that targets the token and delivers the change through an input routine. I wonder if that would work with the Represents - bit tricky, I suspect.

keithcurtis said:

I think there is new and undesirable behavior reported here:

lavathor said:

So I play on a West Marches style DND 5e game, we have hundreds of players and dozens of games each week. I wanted to put together a streamable system in which it shows the players general stats and spell slots within roll20. However I've hit a barrier. I have a bunch setup but if I change out the Represents Character, it resets all the token bar attributes. Is there a way to switch which character it represents, while retaining the attribute selection? IE HP or Hit Dice?

As far as I know, changing representation did not used to change bar assignments.

January 04 (4 years ago)

Edited January 04 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Rosco James said:

On a similar note, however, when I set an NPC token as a default token for a common character sheet, then bring out four or five to the board for a fight, if I manually change the hp of one token, all the others are changed as well. The way I get around that is through a macro that targets the token and delivers the change through an input routine. I wonder if that would work with the Represents - bit tricky, I suspect.

Hi Rosco James,

This is due to a token that is not properly set for representing a class of character instead of a specific character. You need to set them up as "mooks". The following links will make this clear:

Here is the wiki article on Linking Tokens to Journals

Here is a video which demos the procedure