Shane said:
...The only change made with the map setup was restricting player movement across the dynamic light barriers. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. We are doing BG:Descent Into Avernus. Our other games still load fine.
I don't believe this is related to the token settings nor page settings if the change was Dynamic Light based, this really only effecting the UI rather than functionality if anything. Dynamic Lighting was updated a while back and it does have it's own thread, you may have better luck putting your feedback and complaints in there.
This update however on my own note is... really not great, obfuscating the Player Permissions behind a hover over element that's vague (three vertical dots) then making it a dropdown check box is far too hidden. There is no indication of what the existing permissions is on a token otherwise. Plus on top of that, one of the GMs of our games had issues with said dropdown menu where they could only navigate it with arrow keys because it disappeared upon moving their mouse. Would it have been such a huge issue to simply put the player permissions visible on a glance?
There is in fact much, much more mess when it comes to tokens in this way, oh sure! There's pages for items now but it's horrible to deal with for the majority of GMs with obfuscating and frustration. But I'll go over some of the more noteable changes:
Did Dynamic Lighting need a page to itself? Yes, that's actually a welcome change as some people may not use it so it can be a useless setting on the default page. Especially if said GMs are not Pro/Plus putting it in a seperate page does help in cleaning up Token Settings.
Should player permissions be hidden? Absolutely not, in fact that's one of the biggest things that a GM usually has to handle, doling out tokens, pages, and whatever else goes in the journal for the right player to control.
Should there be any hidden settings? Yes, if Dynamic Lighting isn't accessible by a GM the option should be hidden, alternatively if a map has the functionality set on, only tokens on said map should show the feature if it is available to the GM/Game owner. Permissions, Auras, Bars and similar should never be hidden unless the GM sets that as a default in the existing Default Token Settings games have.
Should Dynamic Lighting be displayed before Legacy Lighting in the Token Settings? No, it's in development and as before the "Updated" above it does not tell enough of the story. If anything there should be a "Beta Test" due to how buggy, slow, and impactful it can be in some games. In fact it did break some users maps, tokens, and entire games.
Player Permissions should have a section of it's own, not a page, a section on the front page of the Token Settings. Simply put the title as Player Permissions as a chart in some manner (say Title - See Permission - Edit Permission). Example of such could look like (where (1), (2), (3) respectively have their own listings per bar/aura):
Player Permissions
Name | See | Edit |
Token | [ ] | [ ] |
Aura (1) (2) | [ ] | [ ] |
Bar (1) (2) (3) | [ ] | [ ] |