Midgard is the name of the D&amp;D setting by Kobold Press, possibly the most successful third party publisher for 5th Edition D&amp;D. It draws from the folklore of Eastern and Central Europe. Midgard is a mysterious world of high fantasy and deep magic, and nowhere is the fantasy higher or the magic deeper than the Margreve Forest, the ancient home of secretive fey, ancient primordials, and quaint animal-like races. This adventure has our heroes travel into the heart of the forest to seek out a hive of bees led by an awakened queen, who are responsible for producing a rare and valuable honey from the mystical effildawnan flower. Danger, mystery, and sweet reward await them in the Old Margreve. If you enjoy the game, I would appreciate it if you could leave me a review at startplaying.games. Please see listing at: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/289810/the-queen-bees-treasure-a-3rd-level-midgard-adventure" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/289810/the-queen-bees-treasure-a-3rd-level-midgard-adventure</a>