I've got a question... i'm trying to set up a macro for a skill that will compare 2 stats and use the highest, then compare that result to a cap and keep the lowest but I'm not sure if this is even actually possible with roll20... i've tried a couple different methods with no luck and thought if it is possible, perhaps someone else would know the formatting that seems to elude me. to put it simply i'm trying to get a formula that would function as follows if such a function is even possible. ?d8+{{@{casterlevel},@{healranks}}kh1,10}dh1 it's for use with healing spells while under the effects of Healing Lorecall since the spell allows the target to subsitute their ranks in heal with their casterlevel when casting healing spell, and the caster in question has had Healing Lorecall permanencied on them... basicly if healranks is higher than casterlevel it should use healranks, otherwise use casterlevel; and then compare that result to the spells cap and use the lower result of the 2