Hello everybody,
I'm fairly new to Roll20 and use it to play Chill RPG, which unfortunatly doesn't have a caracter sheet... So...
Sheet Request: Chill RGP (3rd edition)
System: The system is quite simple: it's all 1D100. You must do under the attribute/skill to succeed.
Bonus: if it can show the success/miss, it would be great. The difficulty is in the 3 levels of success. You got a minor success for the higher half of your skill, major success of the lower half of your skill, and critical for a double. Example: if you got 80 in your skill, 41-80 is a minor success, 01-40 is a major success, and 11, 22, 33 etc are critical. If it's a double but higher than your skill, it's a fiasco.
More Info: The official character Sheet is not very nice... Since i didn't found an official pdf character sheet, I made one (in french, but I can make an english version). It's awful, but all the skills are listed in it... I can send it if it can help!
EDIT: I got it in .odt version too. OpenOffice can convert it to html, but all the layout is messed up.
I have seen other requests for this game, so I'm not the only one, but I also see that there are a lot of requests for other games...
If that can help, maybe I can try to do an html/CSS version, but it's been a loooooong time since I haven't done html, and I don't have a PRO Roll20 account, so I'll still need someone to do the final steps...
Thank you!