If you want to improve you chances to get the sheet created, read the How to make things easier for Sheet Authors section of my first post, and follow every step you can as closely as you can. Probably forgot your request last time as you didn't provide any useful information nor a link to this game. When requesting a character sheet, the least one could do is to give the exact name of the system, and a link to the pdf char sheet. My apologies, I got caught up in the discussion of it and never posted a specific request. Thank you for being patient with me! Changeling the Lost recently released a Second edition which uses almost the same sheet but with enough mechanical overhauls that attempting to run a 2.0 game on the roll20 1.0 sheet is extremely awkward. Here's Mr. Gone's sheet as an example. Lost is already one of the most popular Chronicles of Darkness games, and I think the second edition makes a lot of strong improvements that give players far more flexibility with character creation and advancement. As I am preparing to run a Lost 2.0 game, I own a pdf of the ruleset (as well as the Chronicles of Darkness God Machine Chronicles book the 2.0 nWoD games use as a core book). While I personally have only a basic understanding of coding, I will eagerly spend as much time and attention as I can to help make a new sheet, if someone is willing to help me do so. (I'm a technical writer and I work with code often in my job, I'm just very bad at the actual solving problems via code part. So, if someone is willing to help me work out how to make the math and the code work, I can absolutely do the grunt work of copying/typing/editing text, copypasting code and just swapping out variables, etc.)