I love having the digital copies of my D&D 5e books in Roll20, but I still end up having to get out physical books at times because it's just easier than trying to look it up in roll20. Now it's SLIGHTLY better when in the roll20 app itself and running a game and I can have multiple pages opened and minimised, but it's nice to be able to have things open on another tab, i.e using the compendium. Often I end up googling things that then lead me to the roll20 resource or some other website. I'd much rather just be able to find it within roll20. Now some issues seem to come from having multiple books that have the same page, so you have multiple things competing for the same page and I'm not aware which book I'm looking at without spending additional time (not great for in the middle of a session or even for referencing etc) I don't have a solution in mind, but all I know is that I feel as a user that I'm not getting the most efficiency out of the platform with something that (at least to me) feels like a UI issue and not a programmatic one (might be wrong there) I doubt I'm the only one with this issue?