as long as you're updating (and that sounds like a good idea to have an option to pause, I would use it myself now that I think about it - perhaps have an option to pause on the roundmarker at the start of the round instead of jump straight over it while the GM catches up on his bits.? not why i posted, but +1 anyway...) My suggestions: First : a tag that lets you populate the turn order in bulk, based on selected tokens, and possibly roll initiative based on options set through your script. . (ie !tm add ) optionally, also add a tag that removes selected tokens from the order with something like !tm remove ) Second : a tag that lets you set the formula for rolling initiative (ie !tm roll ( [[1d20]]+@{Initiative_Bonus}+@{Dexterity} ) , possibly by using an array to pull those stats into the script to roll automatically when using the add command; I only use the @{stat} to provide a sense of familiarity to possible users, other formats would likely be easier to code. a die roll will not always be necessary, for example, the gurps ruleset uses a flat number every time, with no roll at all, and conversly sometimes no stats are needed, as when playing basic dnd. Third : a tag that lets you depopulate the turn order easily (ie !tm clear ) Fourth : a tag that can be added to a !tm command that opens and closes the turn order. (ie. !tm start and/or !tm end ) Fifth : allow the command line to combine tags to do any combination of commands from one execution (ie. !tm add start or !tm remove end ) Edit: another option for possible ease of use: an option that lets the turn order open and close automatically based on if there are any tokens currently populating it.