Greetings! We are a group of three players, with a wide range of experience between us, looking for a DM or DM with existing group.  We have played in multiple games together as players and as two players with Dave as DM. Faerun is our most experienced setting, but it is certainly not the only option.  VTT usage is highly preferred, theater of the mind secondary but absolutely welcome.  We are a wild mix of RP heavy, combat loving, mischievous fools. Our group consists of two amazing gents and myself. Hiya, I’m Noahbelle! I’m 28 and have been playing DnD for about 8 years on and off, but I would say my experience is closer to 4 years. And only getting better! I enjoy roleplaying/character building and world exploring just an itty bitty more than Combat, but I still enjoy knocking things teeth in. I’m pretty versatile in character ideas and enjoy DnD during session and BTS :) I tend to be a filler in a group, but that doesn’t mean I won’t put my soul into my characters! Anton, but you can call me Redbeard. I am looking for a campaign I can invest my time in and have fun. I have over 4 year of experience and 4000 hours on roll20. I usually like to play filler to make it easier to fit in with the group and have a wonderful time. Dave, but I go by Mighty Bear on roll20. I have almost 30 years experience in TT RPGs - and have enjoyed D&D since 2nd ed.  Everyone says they are a filler, so I of course would too. But if you want a good laugh, ask me to play a Bard.  All races and classes are fun in the right hands. We’re super excited to play DnD with you! <3 *NO PAID GAMES*