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Alien RPG sheet - Success/Stress tally

Hi Just a couple thing I noticed with this addition to the sheet.  First the success tally does not include success rolls on the stress dice.  Also this addition broke a bunch of macros I had. Previously additional unnamed bracketed statements appeared as additional lines however now no additional lines appear past the named ones. eg "character-name" "roll-name". Has anyone else experienced or gotten around this?
Yes me. I also lost all my macros. -_-
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi, Thanks for pointing this out, the Stress counter was just missed and the roll template additional lines had been commented out during testing. I have updated the code and sent it to Roll20 to approve and publish (Pull request: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). This usually happens on Sunday or Mondays. If you want to test it beforehand the html page is at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for now. Best Regards, Richard
That's great news and a big thanks for your hard work making this sheet.&nbsp;
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I cannot take credit for making the initial sheet, I just added the Ship tab based on a request on the forum. If there are any other improvements you like to see on the sheet then let me know, and I can try to find some time to update.
Richard M.
Sheet Author
I've been thinking about trying to make a couple of small tweaks (nice to haves), but my html isn't great, so it's very much trial and error with me. If you've any thoughts on how they could be implemented that would be great: It would be good if the buttons above the talents / weapons could be coloured differently when the tabs are populated, so people can see how many are currently used. I think this should be a fairly simple bit of CSS, but haven't got around to trying it yet... An expanded gear list (poss. with weight values), since particularly with the CMOM, eight rows is increasingly not enough. This feels like a tricky one, as there's not a lot of spare space on the sheet currently, so it would probably involve shifting stuff around. Or add some space for reloads to the weapon blocks...
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi Richard M, Good to see that you have thoughts on improving the sheet. I think that what you are asking for is doable.&nbsp; List indicators. This would probably need to be done using specific attributes for each button and sheetworkers since it deals with testing whether there is content or not in any of the rows of each list. It could potentially be done using CSS, but CSS can only affect tags located downstream of the one we need to test for content which means the button needs to come after the list itself.&nbsp; Gear list. I think this could be done by adding a repeating section at the end of the gear list, adding a fixed height and scrollbar, and then placing the add button for the repeating section either above or below the list. I already quickly tested fixing the height and adding a scrollbar, I think the key to this would be formatting the scrollbar in a good way to make it fit with the rest of the sheet. An alternative would be to divide this list up into multiple like the others, having buttons from I to IV (and which show where something has been entered for clarity, according to above point) I can potentially try some of this out this weekend and let you have a look at it, unless you want to give this a go yourself? Best Regards, Richard W
Richard M.
Sheet Author
I might at least have a crack at the buttons - that sounds about my level. Happy to compare notes after the weekend. There's at least one other game I'm trying to work on a sheet for, so the more I can learn the better. Best of luck
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi, Can someone please confirm that the macros work again after the update 3 days ago?&nbsp; Richard M, How did you go this weekend? If you want to discuss more in detail then feel free to send me a PM... /R
Richard M.
Sheet Author
Not as far as I would like - did manage to add number, unit weight and (calculated) total weight to the inventory panel, as well as a ninth item row, but stalled on the talent / weapon buttons. Planning to have another crack at it this w/e time permitting. Will pm you if I get completely stumped...