Matt BW said: I had this problem 2 years ago when I was still a pro user, I moved away from roll20 after it causing issues every game. Our group has 1 game where the GM still uses roll20 and it's terrible every time. Every week without fail, we will have a period of time where it takes forever to load, character sheets won't often open up sometimes, or players are kicked out. Sadly roll20 is getting to be quite unusable for our UK group. Many of us end up rolling physical dice and using DND Beyond because we can't access it on roll20 quickly. Is this a new problem or just a server location matter? I have found that the more "stuff" there is in the session (character sheets, maps, handouts, etc.), the longer it takes to load initially. I have also found that refreshing the session periodically helps limit the "long loading" issues. I'm not a technical expert, but those are generic options I use.