That's the best way I can describe them, at least. Whenever I'm in a Roll20 room, it progressively gets worse and worse, with sheets loading slower, changes taking forever to apply, the page not responding, the camera skipping around or not moving. My room has a fair amount of sheets, but far, far less than any official module would. Does anyone know what function is causing this, specifically? Everything seems to be fine until I start edit-saving a lot of sheets, such as when I make an update to the entire partys' tokens. I've tried every solution on the wiki, messed with Chrome settings, updated hardware beyond adequate, cleaned temp files, etc etc etc. Something deeper in the code is an issue and my expertise is too limited to know what. Windows 10, 64 bit, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU, 14 gb RAM, RTX1060 graphics card, Chrome browser