said: Fuck plot and fuck saving the party. If you're so worried about your precious plot, then you should be writing a short story or novel instead of running an rpg. If you want to fudge, roll real dice at your desk, use /gmroll, or just make it up. Dice rolled in chat should always be 100% unaltered or fudged. Rolling in chat in the open should be no different than rolling at the table without a GM screen. Stop cheating as the DM to save the plot or save the characters. There's too many players these days that are so coddled by the never fail never die always get the ribbon for just participating awards. Let them die. Let them fail. Let your plot run off the rails and go with it. Often that makes for an even better story. Even if the characters die, the adventure doesn't have to end. Pick up with some new adventurers shortly after the other party died and incorporate their failure into the adventure. Make it more difficult and/or have the bad guy's win actually affect the world and change things according to what they would do if they won and were uncontested by adventurers for a short time. It makes the world feel more interesting that way.
So, now, basically you are telling me that my style is invalid? Who the hell are you to make a judgement like that? Tell me, who the hell are you to dictate to ANYONE how they should run or play their game. As far as me writing a short-story instead....hows about the fact that I'd rather tell a shared story with a plot that entertains the PCs who happen to be the audience. In a short-story, its just you, writing about your characters...I'd rather have the fun of socializing with a few friends and letting them be the stars of the show while they take on the challenges of the story. They fail, they can die, but If they are going to die, I think it is better to fudge a few rolls (which I'll do anyway, regardless of the feature added or not) than to let them die because of bad luck against, oh I don't know, a bunch of Kobolds. I'd much rather have their deaths come because of either immense stupidity or in a moment that suits having spent an hour or so on character creation, not some arbitrary roll of the dice during a shit encounter. Again, as stated, the die roll would merely be there to keep the excitement of it. It was just a thought, maybe not even a good one, but that's the point of a suggestion box right? To toss and idea and get some constructive feedback, not some jackass just saying 'no, and I'm not going to say why'. You OBVIOUSLY neither understand the point of table-top at-fucking-all, nor do you understand the point of this forum.