I've been GMing on Roll20 for a couple years now, and I've just recently (past 2-3 weeks, maybe) encountered a rather annoying glitch. When I play music playlists in my games, sometimes the playlists will glitch and somehow, some reason, start playing 2 tracks at once (only one is at the top where it shows the track progress, but 2 are marked as playing below and audible). And sometimes, when I've stopped a track/playlist, and I click to play it again later, it'll start partway through and I don't seem to have a way to make it not do that. This has been very distracting for me and some of my players; the music that's meant to establish mood is suddenly killing the mood when it gets glitchy. I actually spent hours deleting everything from my Roll20 music library, then re-uploading playlists and copying them to my 2 active games... And the glitch remains. I even made sure to only have 1 track uploading at once, thinking maybe that would help make sure the tracks themselves weren't glitchy. Redoing the whole library is the only thing I heard might help when I Googled it. Please fix this, staff people. I thank you in advance.