I'm attempting to compare the Armor Class of a target to the Attack Roll of an alchemist who is throwing a bomb. Specifically, the Tangleroot Bomb, which deals no damage but reduces speed by 10 feet if it hits and immobilizes on a critical. So far, my code is this: !smartaoe {{ --title|Lesser Tanglefoot Bomb --leftsub|[[1d20cs20cf1 + (@{Alchemist|bomb_attack})]] --rightsub|[[1d20]] --titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(blue, cyan) --oddrowbackground|#00ccff --evenrowbackground|#edfcfc --oddrowfontcolor|#000000 --tablebgcolor|#edfcfc --controlTokName|AoEControlToken --controlTokSize|1 --aoeColor|#00ccff50 --aoeOutlineColor|#0099ff --aoeType|circle, float --radius|2.5ft --minGridArea|0.25 --minTokArea|0.25 --fx|explosion-slime --dc|[[1d20cs20cf1 + (@{Alchemist|bomb_attack})]] --saveFormula|bar2 --damageFormula1|0 --damageType1| --instant|yes --autoApply|no --bar|1 --zeroHPmarker|dead --desc|A
tanglefoot bag is filled with sticky substances. When you hit a
creature with a tanglefoot bag, that creature takes a status penalty to
its Speed for 1 minute. Many types of tanglefoot bag also grant an item
bonus on attack rolls. On a critical hit, a creature in contact with
a solid surface becomes stuck to the surface and immobilized for 1
round, and a creature flying via wings has its wings tangled, causing it
to fall safely to the ground and become unable to Fly again for 1
round. Tanglefoot bags are not effective when used on a creature that is
in water. The target can end any effects by Escaping or spending a
total of 3 Interact actions to carefully remove the sticky substances.
These Interact actions don't have to be consecutive, and other creatures
can provide the actions as well. The target takes a –10-foot penalty, and the Escape DC is 17. }} The problem comes in on the --saveFormula line. Actually, there are a few problems. But this is the main one. In the example on the SmartAoE wiki, it gives the following example: --saveFormula|<<1d20 + a{dexterity_save_bonus}>> I attempted to use Tokenmod lingo and tried --saveFormula|a{bar2_value}
but that got me nowhere. I know SmartAoE can reference the token
directly, because it does to remove health from afflicted tokens. The
lingo for SmartAoE of --saveFormula|a{bar2} also didn't work. At
the end of my rope here. Any help is much appreciated. I hope it's
something complicated or impossible and not simple, it's been hours. The dream would be to display the roll to hit on the subtitle, then compare that to each afflicted token's AC (for me stored in bar2), then display if each target passed, failed, or critically failed. On a fail, have Combat Master apply a condition I have made. On a Critical Fail, apply a different condition. Using Pathfinder Second Edition Character Sheet.