SmartAoE via Scriptcards Ok, I finally got around to getting a SmartAoE via Scriptcard example. I decided to use the 5e spell Dragon's Breath, as it can produce a variable damage type (cold, fire, poison, etc.). Based on the damage type, the color of the AoE and the SmartAoE title card will vary, as well as the fx spawned. Also, this scriptcard will check for remaining spell slots of the appropriate level and deduct them using the ChatSetAttr script (useful until SmartAoE can support resource management on its own. You can use a similar process to substitute whatever variable you want with your scriptcard logic. Prerequisite api scripts: SmartAoE (libInline), Scriptcards, SelectManager, ChatSetAttr Note: I used the << >> substitutions for [[ ]] in the damageFormula1 subcommand in order to preserve the tooltip. !script {{
--#title|Spell Slots Remaining
--&level|?{Cast at what level?|1,1|2,2|3,3|4,4|5,5|6,6|7,7|8,8|9,9}
--&damageFormula1|<<(?{Cast at what level?}+2)d6>>
--&damageType1|?{Damage Type?|acid,acid|cold,cold|fire,fire|lightning,lightning|poison,poison}
--?[&damageType1] -eq acid|[
--&titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(lime, black)
--?[&damageType1] -eq cold|[
--&titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(#00ffff, black)
--?[&damageType1] -eq fire|[
--&titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(red, black)
--?[&damageType1] -eq lightning|[
--&titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(#4a86e8, black)
--?[&damageType1] -eq poison|[
--&titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(#208728, black)
--@forselected|smartaoe [&brace][&brace]
_title|Dragon's Breath
_leftsub|Slot level [&level]
_rightsub|DC @{selected|spell_save_dc} DEX
_origin|nearest, face
_desc|You touch one willing creature and imbue it with the power to spew magical energy from its mouth, provided it has one. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Until the spell ends, the creature can use an action to exhale energy of the chosen type in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 damage of the chosen type on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
--X|End Macro
--?[$SlotsExpended.Total] -eq 0|>NoSlotsLeft
--?[$SlotsExpended.Total] -gt [$SlotsTotal.Total]|>NoSlotsLeft
--=SlotsExpended|[$SlotsExpended] -1
--@setattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _lvl[$SlotLevel]_slots_expended|[$SlotsExpended] _silent
--=SlotsRemaining|[$SlotsTotal] - 1
--+|[c][b]Level [$SlotLevel] Spell Slots Left: [/b][$SlotsExpended][/c]
--+|[b][*S:character_name] has no level [$SlotLevel.Total] spell slots available.[/b]
}} Example output cold damage, level 2 slot poison damage, level 1 slot