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Custom Sheet replacing a number "with images"


Edited 1647102890
Hello, I'm creating a sheet for my homebrewed system. Everything i'm doing is quite basic, but i'd like to make the sheet easier to understand by using images in some places. I have a system of stats which determines how many dice you're supposed to roll for a check. These dice can be explosive or not. I've managed to determine automatically ne number of explosive and non explosive dice, but i'd like to replace these numbers with actual images of dice, using blue squares for non explosive and red square for explosive. Here's what I have at the moment: Code: <div class="caracs">        <span><label>Caractéristique</label></span>   <span><label>Valeur</label></span>   <span><label>Explosif</label></span>   <span><label>Non explosif</label></span>             <span><label>Force</label></span>   <span><input type="number" name="attr_for" value=""/></span>   <span><input type="number" name="attr_fordiex" value="floor(@{for}/2)" disabled="true" /></span>   <span><input type="number" name="attr_fordie" value="ceil(@{for}/2)-floor(@{for}/2)" disabled="true" /></span>     . Same thing repeated for every abilty </div> Actual Version : Desired result (made with paint) Can someone help me ?

Edited 1647112466
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
There are several ways to do this, but I think that the best way is going to be using two spans with the the appropriate dice font on them. So, taking your code, it'd be something like this: <div class="caracs"> <span><label>Caractéristique</label></span> <span><label>Valeur</label></span> <span><label>Explosif</label></span> <span><label>Non explosif</label></span> <span><label>Force</label></span> <span><input type="number" name="attr_for" value=""/></span> <input type="hidden" name="attr_fordiex"> <span name="attr_fordiex_display" style="font-family:dicefontd6;color:red;"></span> <input type="hidden" name="attr_fordie"> <span name="attr_fordie_display" style="font-family:dicefontd6;color:blue;"></span> <!--Same thing repeated for every abilty--> </div> <script type="text/worker"> on('change:fordiex change:fordie',(event)=>{ let target = `${event.sourceAttribute}_display`; getAttrs([event.sourceAttribute],(attributes)=>{ const setObj = {}; setObj[target] = _.range(+attributes[event.sourceAttribute] || 0).map(()=>'F').join(''); setAttrs(setObj,{silent:true}); }); }); </script> This will add a capital F to the appropriate display attribute which will use the dicefontd6 font to display a die colored based on the font color. Edit: types that out quickly while headed out the door to an appointment. You'll want to add each of your dice attributes to that listener, probably ideally with a loop.
Thanks for the answer, i'm trying to understand and looking into your solution. I'm not having the dynamic part working yet, but you've given me something to start from and that's already good :)

Edited 1647124621
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Now that I'm back home and not rushing, here's a more in depth explanation: <div class="caracs"> <span><label>Caractéristique</label></span> <span><label>Valeur</label></span> <span><label>Explosif</label></span> <span><label>Non explosif</label></span> <span><label>Force</label></span> <!-- Unrelated, but I'd really recommend using full names and snake_case for attribute names. It makes it easier for a user to decipher what is going on. So, I'd recommend `force`, `force_die_explode`, and `force_die` for these attributes. I've changed these to this naming scheme for this more complete demo.--> <span><input type="number" name="attr_force" value=""/></span> <input type="hidden" name="attr_force_die_explode"><!-- The actual attributes to hold the die numbers are hidden. You may actually want to make these visible, and just leave them as readonly so that only your script can edit them. --> <span name="attr_force_die_explode_display" style="font-family:dicefontd6;color:red;"></span><!-- This will hold the display version of the dice number. It's an attribute backed span, so only the script can edit it. --> <input type="hidden" name="attr_force_die"> <span name="attr_force_die_display" style="font-family:dicefontd6;color:blue;"></span> <!--Same thing repeated for every abilty--> </div> <script type="text/worker"> // This tag holds our sheetworkers; the Roll20 specific javascript that allows us to do powerful things with our sheets. //In the previous version of this, I had missed that you weren't already using a sheetworker to calculate the dice types, so I'll adjust the below to handle that as well. const characteristics = ['force','agilite','focus','intuition','logique','presence','endurance','constitution'];//The names of all the characteristics characteristics.forEach((characteristic)=>{//iterate through each characteristic on(`change:${characteristic}`,(event)=>{//Create a listener for when our base attributes change. getAttrs([event.sourceAttribute],(attributes)=>{//Get the value of the attributes. I avoid using the `newValue` property of the event object because it is fragile and not dependable. const setObj = {};//Create an object that will accumlate our changes const characteristicValue = +attributes[characteristic] || 0;//Convert the attribute value to a number. We need to do this because the values stored in the Roll20 database are usually stored as strings regardless of the type of input. //Next we'll calculate the values of each die type. setObj[`${characteristic}_die`] = Math.floor(characteristicValue/2); setObj[`${characteristic}_die_explode`] = Math.ceil(characteristicValue/2); //Then we'll create the dice display ['die','die_explode']//The two types of dice .forEach((suffix)=>{//Iterate through each die type setObj[`${characteristic}_${suffix}_display`] = _.range(setObj[`${characteristic}_${suffix}`])//Create an array with a length equal to the dieValue, the values of each item in the array will be the index of that item. .map(()=>'F')//For each item in the array, return the capital letter F. .join('')//Join the letters into a cohesive string .replace(/^$/,' ');//If the created string would be an empty string, set it to a string with a single space. }); //We've now got several items stored in our setObj. Given a new force value of 11, our setObj will look something like: /* { force_die:5, force_die_explode:6, force_die_display:"FFFFF", force_die_explode_display:"FFFFFF" } */ //Each of these attributes will be set on the sheet. setAttrs(setObj,{silent:true});//Set the attribute value }); }); }); </script> That gives us the following: Hope that helps, Scott
Thanks and yes that helps a lot. I'm not familiar with js at all and my html css is at best high school level and that was 10 years ago, so that's really helpful. It's detailed enough so that I understand the process. I'll just need to adjust the math part to have the number of dices i want to be displayed, but this I can do :)